

   app - Application resource file.


   The  application  resource  file specifies the resources an application
   uses, and how the application is started.  There  must  always  be  one
   application  resource  file called for each application
   Application in the system.

   The file is read by the application controller when an  application  is
   loaded/started.  It  is  also  used  by  the functions in systools, for
   example when generating start scripts.


   The application resource file is to be  called,  where
   Application  is  the  application  name.  The  file is to be located in
   directory ebin for the application.

   The file must  contain  a  single  Erlang  term,  which  is  called  an
   application specification:

   {application, Application,
     [{description,  Description},
      {id,           Id},
      {vsn,          Vsn},
      {modules,      Modules},
      {maxP,         MaxP},
      {maxT,         MaxT},
      {registered,   Names},
      {included_applications, Apps},
      {applications, Apps},
      {env,          Env},
      {mod,          Start},
      {start_phases, Phases},
      {runtime_dependencies, RTDeps}]}.

                Value                Default
                -----                -------
   Application  atom()               -
   Description  string()             ""
   Id           string()             ""
   Vsn          string()             ""
   Modules      [Module]             []
   MaxP         int()                infinity
   MaxT         int()                infinity
   Names        [Name]               []
   Apps         [App]                []
   Env          [{Par,Val}]          []
   Start        {Module,StartArgs}   []
   Phases       [{Phase,PhaseArgs}]  undefined
   RTDeps       [ApplicationVersion] []

   Module = Name = App = Par = Phase = atom()
   Val = StartArgs = PhaseArgs = term()
   ApplicationVersion = string()

       Application name.

   For  the  application controller, all keys are optional. The respective
   default values are used for any omitted keys.

   The functions in systools require more information. If they  are  used,
   the following keys are mandatory:

     * description

     * vsn

     * modules

     * registered

     * applications

   The other keys are ignored by systools.

       A one-line description of the application.

       Product identification, or similar.

       Version of the application.

       All modules introduced by this application. systools uses this list
       when generating start scripts and tar files. A module can  only  be
       defined in one application.

       Deprecated - is ignored

       Maximum number of processes allowed in the application.

       Maximum  time,  in milliseconds, that the application is allowed to
       run.  After  the  specified  time,   the   application   terminates

       All  names  of  registered  processes  started in this application.
       systools uses this list to detect name  clashes  between  different

       All   applications   included   by   this  application.  When  this
       application  is  started,  all  included  applications  are  loaded
       automatically,  but  not started, by the application controller. It
       is assumed that the top-most supervisor of the included application
       is started by a supervisor of this application.

       All  applications  that  must be started before this application is
       allowed to be started. systools uses this list to generate  correct
       start  scripts.  Defaults  to  the  empty list, but notice that all
       applications have dependencies to (at least) Kernel and STDLIB.

       Configuration parameters used by the application. The  value  of  a
       configuration     parameter     is     retrieved     by     calling
       application:get_env/1,2. The values  in  the  application  resource
       file  can  be  overridden  by  values  in a configuration file (see
       config(5)) or by command-line flags (see erts:erl(1)).

       Specifies the application callback module and a start argument, see

       Key   mod   is  necessary  for  an  application  implemented  as  a
       supervision tree, otherwise the  application  controller  does  not
       know  how  to start it. mod can be omitted for applications without
       processes, typically code libraries, for example, STDLIB.

       A list of start phases and corresponding start  arguments  for  the
       application.  If  this  key  is present, the application master, in
       addition  to  the  usual  call  to   Module:start/2,   also   calls
       Module:start_phase(Phase,Type,PhaseArgs)   for   each  start  phase
       defined  by  key  start_phases.  Only  after  this  extended  start
       procedure, application:start(Application) returns.

       Start  phases  can be used to synchronize startup of an application
       and its included applications.  In  this  case,  key  mod  must  be
       specified as follows:

     {mod, {application_starter,[Module,StartArgs]}}

       The  application  master  then calls Module:start/2 for the primary
       application, followed by calls  to  Module:start_phase/3  for  each
       start  phase (as defined for the primary application), both for the
       primary application and for each of its included applications,  for
       which the start phase is defined.

       This  implies  that  for  an included application, the set of start
       phases must be a subset of  the  set  of  phases  defined  for  the
       primary   application.   For   more  information,  see  OTP  Design

       A list of application versions that the application depends on.  An
       example of such an application version is "kernel-3.0". Application
       versions   specified   as   runtime   dependencies   are    minimum
       requirements.  That  is,  a larger application version than the one
       specified  in  the  dependency  satisfies  the   requirement.   For
       information  about how to compare application versions, see section
       Versions in the System Principles User's Guide.

       Notice  that  the  application  version  specifies  a  source  code
       version.  One  more,  indirect,  requirement  is that the installed
       binary application of the specified version is built so that it  is
       compatible with the rest of the system.

       Some   dependencies  can  only  be  required  in  specific  runtime
       scenarios.  When  such  optional  dependencies  exist,  these   are
       specified  and  documented in the corresponding "App" documentation
       of the specific application.

     The runtime_dependencies key was introduced in OTP 17.0. The type  of
     its value might be subject to changes during the OTP 17 release.

     All runtime dependencies specified in OTP applications during the OTP
     17 release may not be completely  correct.  This  is  actively  being
     worked  on.  Declared  runtime  dependencies  in OTP applications are
     expected to be correct in OTP 18.


   application(3erl), systools(3erl)


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