

   ip-address - protocol address management


   ip [ OPTIONS ] address  { COMMAND | help }

   ip address { add | change | replace } IFADDR dev IFNAME [ LIFETIME ] [
           CONFFLAG-LIST ]

   ip address del IFADDR dev IFNAME [ mngtmpaddr ]

   ip address { show | save | flush } [ dev IFNAME ] [ scope SCOPE-ID ] [
           to PREFIX ] [ FLAG-LIST ] [ label PATTERN ] [ up ]

   ip address { showdump | restore }

   IFADDR := PREFIX | ADDR peer PREFIX [ broadcast ADDR ] [ anycast ADDR ]
           [ label LABEL ] [ scope SCOPE-ID ]

   SCOPE-ID := [ host | link | global | NUMBER ]


   FLAG := [ permanent | dynamic | secondary | primary | [ - ] tentative |
           [ - ] deprecated | [ - ] dadfailed | temporary | CONFFLAG-LIST


   CONFFLAG := [ home | mngtmpaddr | nodad | noprefixroute ]

   LIFETIME := [ valid_lft LFT | preferred_lft LFT ]

   LFT := [ forever | SECONDS ]


   The address is a protocol (IPv4 or IPv6) address attached to a network
   device. Each device must have at least one address to use the
   corresponding protocol. It is possible to have several different
   addresses attached to one device. These addresses are not
   discriminated, so that the term alias is not quite appropriate for them
   and we do not use it in this document.

   The ip address command displays addresses and their properties, adds
   new addresses and deletes old ones.

   ip address add - add new protocol address.
   dev IFNAME
          the name of the device to add the address to.

   local ADDRESS (default)
          the address of the interface. The format of the address depends
          on the protocol. It is a dotted quad for IP and a sequence of
          hexadecimal halfwords separated by colons for IPv6. The ADDRESS
          may be followed by a slash and a decimal number which encodes
          the network prefix length.

   peer ADDRESS
          the address of the remote endpoint for pointopoint interfaces.
          Again, the ADDRESS may be followed by a slash and a decimal
          number, encoding the network prefix length. If a peer address is
          specified, the local address cannot have a prefix length. The
          network prefix is associated with the peer rather than with the
          local address.

   broadcast ADDRESS
          the broadcast address on the interface.

          It is possible to use the special symbols '+' and '-' instead of
          the broadcast address. In this case, the broadcast address is
          derived by setting/resetting the host bits of the interface

   label LABEL
          Each address may be tagged with a label string.  In order to
          preserve compatibility with Linux-2.0 net aliases, this string
          must coincide with the name of the device or must be prefixed
          with the device name followed by colon.

   scope SCOPE_VALUE
          the scope of the area where this address is valid.  The
          available scopes are listed in file /etc/iproute2/rt_scopes.
          Predefined scope values are:

                  global - the address is globally valid.

                  site - (IPv6 only, deprecated) the address is site
                  local, i.e. it is valid inside this site.

                  link - the address is link local, i.e. it is valid only
                  on this device.

                  host - the address is valid only inside this host.

   valid_lft LFT
          the valid lifetime of this address; see section 5.5.4 of RFC
          4862. When it expires, the address is removed by the kernel.
          Defaults to forever.

   preferred_lft LFT
          the preferred lifetime of this address; see section 5.5.4 of RFC
          4862. When it expires, the address is no longer used for new
          outgoing connections. Defaults to forever.

   home   (IPv6 only) designates this address the "home address" as
          defined in RFC 6275.

          (IPv6 only) make the kernel manage temporary addresses created
          from this one as template on behalf of Privacy Extensions
          (RFC3041). For this to become active, the use_tempaddr sysctl
          setting has to be set to a value greater than zero.  The given
          address needs to have a prefix length of 64. This flag allows to
          use privacy extensions in a manually configured network, just
          like if stateless auto-configuration was active.

   nodad  (IPv6 only) do not perform Duplicate Address Detection (RFC
          4862) when adding this address.

          Do not automatically create a route for the network prefix of
          the added address, and don't search for one to delete when
          removing the address. Changing an address to add this flag will
          remove the automatically added prefix route, changing it to
          remove this flag will create the prefix route automatically.

   ip address delete - delete protocol address
   Arguments: coincide with the arguments of ip addr add.  The device name
   is a required argument. The rest are optional.  If no arguments are
   given, the first address is deleted.

   ip address show - look at protocol addresses
   dev IFNAME (default)
          name of device.

   scope SCOPE_VAL
          only list addresses with this scope.

   to PREFIX
          only list addresses matching this prefix.

   label PATTERN
          only list addresses with labels matching the PATTERN.  PATTERN
          is a usual shell style pattern.

   up     only list running interfaces.

   dynamic and permanent
          (IPv6 only) only list addresses installed due to stateless
          address configuration or only list permanent (not dynamic)

          (IPv6 only) only list addresses which have not yet passed
          duplicate address detection.

          (IPv6 only) only list addresses which are not in the process of
          duplicate address detection currently.

          (IPv6 only) only list deprecated addresses.

          (IPv6 only) only list addresses not being deprecated.

          (IPv6 only) only list addresses which have failed duplicate
          address detection.

          (IPv6 only) only list addresses which have not failed duplicate
          address detection.

          (IPv6 only) only list temporary addresses.

   primary and secondary
          only list primary (or secondary) addresses.

   ip address flush - flush protocol addresses
   This command flushes the protocol addresses selected by some criteria.

   This command has the same arguments as show.  The difference is that it
   does not run when no arguments are given.

   Warning: This command and other flush commands are unforgiving. They
   will cruelly purge all the addresses.

   With the -statistics option, the command becomes verbose. It prints out
   the number of deleted addresses and the number of rounds made to flush
   the address list.  If this option is given twice, ip address flush also
   dumps all the deleted addresses in the format described in the previous


   ip address show
       Shows IPv4 and IPv6 addresses assigned to all network interfaces.
       The 'show' subcommand can be omitted.

   ip address show up
       Same as above except that only addresses assigned to active network
       interfaces are shown.

   ip address show dev eth0
       Shows IPv4 and IPv6 addresses assigned to network interface eth0.

   ip address add 2001:0db8:85a3::0370:7334/64 dev eth1
       Adds an IPv6 address to network interface eth1.

   ip address delete 2001:0db8:85a3::0370:7334/64 dev eth1
       Delete the IPv6 address added above.

   ip address flush dev eth4 scope global
       Removes all global IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from device eth4.
       Without 'scope global' it would remove all addresses including IPv6
       link-local ones.




   Original Manpage by Michail Litvak <mci@owl.openwall.com>


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