

   mono-shlib-cop - Shared Library Usage Checker


   mono-shlib-cop [OPTIONS]* [ASSEMBLY-FILE-NAME]*


   -p, --prefixes=PREFIX
          Mono     installation     prefixes.     This    is    to    find
          $prefix/etc/mono/config.  The default is based upon the location
          of mscorlib.dll, and is normally correct.


   mono-shlib-cop  is  a tool that inspects a managed assembly looking for
   erroneous or suspecious usage of shared libraries.

   The tool takes one  or  more  assembly  filenames,  and  inspects  each
   assembly specified.

   The errors checked for include:

   *      Does the shared library exist?

   *      Does the requested symbol exist within the shared library?

   The warnings checked for include:

   *      Is  the  target  shared  library a versioned library?  (Relevant
          only on Unix systems, not Mac OS X or Windows.)

   In general, only versioned libraries such as are  present  on
   the  user's  machine,  and  efforts  to  load will result in a
   System.DllNotFoundException.  There are three solutions to this:

   1.     Require that the user install any -devel packages which  provide
          the  unversioned  library.   This usually requires that the user
          install a large number of additional packages, complicating  the
          installation process.

   2.     Use  a  fully versioned name in your DllImport statements.  This
          requires editing your source code and recompiling  whenever  you
          need to target a different version of the shared library.

   3.     Provide   an   assembly.config  file  which  contains  <dllmap/>
          elements to remap the shared library name used by your  assembly
          to  the  actual  versioned  shared  library present on the users
          system.   Mono  provides  a  number  of  pre-existing  <dllmap/>
          entries, including ones for and


   The following code contains examples of the above errors and warnings:
        using System.Runtime.InteropServices; // for DllImport
        class Demo {
             [DllImport ("bad-library-name")]
             private static extern void BadLibraryName ();

             [DllImport ("")]
             private static extern void BadSymbolName ();

             [DllImport ("")]
             private static extern int cap_clear (IntPtr cap_p);

   Bad library name
          Assuming that the library bad-library-name doesn't exist on your
          machine, Demo.BadLibraryName  will  generate  an  error,  as  it
          requires  a  shared library which cannot be loaded.  This may be
          ignorable; see BUGS

   Bad symbol name
          Demo.BadSymbolName will generate an error, as  (remapped
          to  by  mono's  $prefix/etc/mono/config file) doesn't
          contain the function BadSymbolName

   Unversioned library dependency
          Assuming you have  the  file  ,  Demo.cap_clear  will
          generate  a  warning  because,  while could be loaded,
  might  not  exist  on  the  users  machine  (on  FC2,
          /lib/  is  provided  by  libcap-devel  ,  and you can't
          assume that end users will have any -devel packages installed).


   The fix depends on the warning or error:

   Bad library names
          Use a valid library name in the DllImport attribute, or  provide
          a  <dllmap/>  entry to map your existing library name to a valid
          library name.

   Bad symbol names
          Reference a symbol that actually exists in the target library.

   Unversioned library dependency
          Provide a <dllmap/> entry  to  reference  a  properly  versioned
          library, or ignore the warning (see BUGS ).


   Mono looks for an ASSEMBLY-NAME mapping information.  For example, with
   mcs.exe , Mono would read mcs.exe.config ,  and  for  Mono.Posix.dll  ,
   Mono would read Mono.Posix.dll.config

   The   .config   file   is   an  XML  document  containing  a  top-level
   <configuration/> section with nested <dllmap/> entries, which  contains
   dll  and  target attributes.  The dll attribute should contain the same
   string used in your DllImport attribute value, and the target attribute
   specifies which shared library mono should actually load at runtime.

   A sample .config file is:
             <dllmap dll="gtkembedmoz" target="" />


   *      Only  DllImport  entries  are  checked;  the  surrounding  IL is
          ignored.  Consequently, if  a  runtime  check  is  performed  to
          choose which shared library to invoke, an error will be reported
          even though the specified library is never used.  Consider  this
               using System.Runtime.InteropServices; // for DllImport
               class Beep {
                    [DllImport ("kernel32.dll")]
                    private static extern int Beep (int dwFreq, int dwDuration);

                    [DllImport ("")]
                    private static extern int beep ();

                    public static void Beep ()
                         if (System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '\\') {
                              Beep (750, 300);
                         else {
                              beep ();
          If  mono-shlib-cop  is  run  on  this assembly, an error will be
          reported for using kernel32.dll , even though kernel32.dll  will
          never be used on Unix platforms.

   *      mono-shlib-cop  currently  only examines the shared library file
          extension to determine if a warning should be generated.  A  .so
          extension will always generate a warning, even if the .so is not
          a symlink, isn't provided in a -devel package, and there  is  no
          versioned    shared   library   (possible   examples   including
          /usr/lib/, /usr/lib/, etc.).

          Consequently, warnings for any such libraries are  useless,  and

          Windows  and  Mac  OS  X  will never generate warnings, as these
          platforms use different shared library extensions.


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