

   tidy - check, correct, and pretty-print HTML(5) files


   tidy [option ...] [file ...] [option ...] [file ...]


   Tidy reads HTML, XHTML, and XML files and writes cleaned-up markup.
   For HTML variants, it detects, reports, and corrects many common coding
   errors and strives to produce visually equivalent markup that is both
   conformant to the HTML specifications and that works in most browsers.

   A common use of Tidy is to convert plain HTML to XHTML.  For generic
   XML files, Tidy is limited to correcting basic well-formedness errors
   and pretty printing.

   If no input file is specified, Tidy reads the standard input.  If no
   output file is specified, Tidy writes the tidied markup to the standard
   output.  If no error file is specified, Tidy writes messages to the
   standard error.  For command line options that expect a numerical
   argument, a default is assumed if no meaningful value can be found.


   File manipulation
   -output <%s>, -o <%s>
          write output to the specified <file> (output-file: <%s>)

   -config <%s>
          set configuration options from the specified <file>

   -file <%s>, -f <%s>
          write errors and warnings to the specified <file> (error-file:

   -modify, -m
          modify the original input files (write-back: yes)

   Processing directives
   -indent, -i
          indent element content (indent: auto)

   -wrap <%s>, -w <%s>
          wrap text at the specified <column>. 0 is assumed if <column> is
          missing. When this option is omitted, the default of the
          configuration option 'wrap' applies.  (wrap: <%s>)

   -upper, -u
          force tags to upper case (uppercase-tags: yes)

   -clean, -c
          replace FONT, NOBR and CENTER tags with CSS (clean: yes)

   -bare, -b
          strip out smart quotes and em dashes, etc.  (bare: yes)

   -gdoc, -g
          produce clean version of html exported by Google Docs (gdoc:

   -numeric, -n
          output numeric rather than named entities (numeric-entities:

   -errors, -e
          show only errors and warnings (markup: no)

   -quiet, -q
          suppress nonessential output (quiet: yes)

   -omit  omit optional start tags and end tags (omit-optional-tags: yes)

   -xml   specify the input is well formed XML (input-xml: yes)

   -asxml, -asxhtml
          convert HTML to well formed XHTML (output-xhtml: yes)

          force XHTML to well formed HTML (output-html: yes)

   -access <%s>
          do additional accessibility checks (<level> = 0, 1, 2, 3). 0 is
          assumed if <level> is missing.  (accessibility-check: <%s>)

   Character encodings
   -raw   output values above 127 without conversion to entities

   -ascii use ISO-8859-1 for input, US-ASCII for output

          use ISO-8859-15 for input, US-ASCII for output

          use ISO-8859-1 for both input and output

          use ISO-2022 for both input and output

   -utf8  use UTF-8 for both input and output

   -mac   use MacRoman for input, US-ASCII for output

          use Windows-1252 for input, US-ASCII for output

          use IBM-858 (CP850+Euro) for input, US-ASCII for output

          use UTF-16LE for both input and output

          use UTF-16BE for both input and output

   -utf16 use UTF-16 for both input and output

   -big5  use Big5 for both input and output

          use Shift_JIS for both input and output

   -version, -v
          show the version of Tidy

   -help, -h, -?
          list the command line options

          list all configuration options

          list the current configuration settings

   -help-option <%s>
          show a description of the <option>

   -language <%s>
          set Tidy's output language to <lang>. Specify '-language help'
          for more help. Use before output-causing arguments to ensure the
          language takes effect, e.g.,`tidy -lang es -lang help`.
          (language: <%s>)

          list the command line options in XML format

          list all configuration options in XML format

          output all of Tidy's strings in XML format

          output error constants and strings in XML format

          output option descriptions in XML format


   Use --optionX valueX for the detailed configuration option "optionX"
   with argument "valueX".  See also below under Detailed Configuration
   Options as to how to conveniently group all such options in a single
   config file.

   Input/Output default to stdin/stdout respectively. Single letter
   options apart from -f and -o may be combined as in:

      tidy -f errs.txt -imu foo.html


          Name of the default configuration file.  This should be an
          absolute path, since you will probably invoke tidy from
          different directories.  The value of HTML_TIDY will be parsed
          after the compiled-in default (defined with -DTIDY_CONFIG_FILE),
          but before any of the files specified using -config.


   0      All input files were processed successfully.

   1      There were warnings.

   2      There were errors.



   This section describes the Detailed (i.e., "expanded") Options, which
   may be specified by preceding each option with -- at the command line,
   followed by its desired value, OR by placing the options and values in
   a configuration file, and telling tidy to read that file with the
   -config standard option.


   tidy --option1 value1 --option2 value2 [standard options ...]
   tidy -config config-file [standard options ...]


   The options detailed here do not include the "standard" command-line
   options (i.e., those preceded by a single '-') described above in the
   first section of this man page.


   A list of options for configuring the behavior of Tidy, which can be
   passed either on the command line, or specified in a configuration

   A Tidy configuration file is simply a text file, where each option is
   listed on a separate line in the form

      option1: value1
      option2: value2

   The permissible values for a given option depend on the option's Type.
   There are five types: Boolean, AutoBool, DocType, Enum, and String.
   Boolean types allow any of yes/no, y/n, true/false, t/f, 1/0.
   AutoBools allow auto in addition to the values allowed by Booleans.
   Integer types take non-negative integers.  String types generally have
   no defaults, and you should provide them in non-quoted form (unless you
   wish the output to contain the literal quotes).

   Enum, Encoding, and DocType "types" have a fixed repertoire of items;
   consult the Example[s] provided below for the option[s] in question.

   You only need to provide options and values for those whose defaults
   you wish to override, although you may wish to include some already-
   defaulted options and values for the sake of documentation and

   Here is a sample config file, with at least one example of each of the
   five Types:

       // sample Tidy configuration options
       output-xhtml: yes
       add-xml-decl: no
       doctype: strict
       char-encoding: ascii
       indent: auto
       wrap: 76
       repeated-attributes: keep-last
       error-file: errs.txt

   Below is a summary and brief description of each of the options. They
   are listed alphabetically within each category.  There are five
   categories: HTML, XHTML, XML options, Diagnostics options, Pretty Print
   options, Character Encoding options, and Miscellaneous options.


   HTML, XHTML, XML options:


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should add the XML declaration
          when outputting XML or XHTML.

          Note that if the input already includes an <?xml ... ?>
          declaration then this option will be ignored.

          If the encoding for the output is different from ascii, one of
          the utf* encodings, or raw, then the declaration is always added
          as required by the XML standard.

                                  See also: char-encoding, output-encoding


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should add xml:space="preserve" to
          elements such as <pre>, <style> and <script> when generating

          This is needed if the whitespace in such elements is to be
          parsed appropriately without having access to the DTD.


          Type:    String
          Default: -
          Default: -

          This option specifies the default alt= text Tidy uses for <img>
          attributes when the alt= attribute is missing.

          Use with care, as it is your responsibility to make your
          documents accessible to people who cannot see the images.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option controls the deletion or addition of the name
          attribute in elements where it can serve as anchor.

          If set to yes a name attribute, if not already existing, is
          added along an existing id attribute if the DTD allows it.

          If set to no any existing name attribute is removed if an id
          attribute exists or has been added.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should change the parsing of
          processing instructions to require ?> as the terminator rather
          than >.

          This option is automatically set if the input is in XML.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should strip Microsoft specific
          HTML from Word 2000 documents, and output spaces rather than
          non-breaking spaces where they exist in the input.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should perform cleaning of some
          legacy presentational tags (currently <i>, <b>, <center> when
          enclosed within appropriate inline tags, and <font>). If set to
          yes then legacy tags will be replaced with CSS <style> tags and
          structural markup as appropriate.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should coerce a start tag into an
          end tag in cases where it looks like an end tag was probably
          intended; for example, given

          <span>foo <b>bar<b> baz</span>

          Tidy will output

          <span>foo <b>bar</b> baz</span>


          Type:    String
          Default: -
          Default: -

          This option specifies the prefix that Tidy uses for styles

          By default, c will be used.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should decorate inferred <ul>
          elements with some CSS markup to avoid indentation to the right.


          Type:    DocType
          Default: auto
          Example: html5, omit, auto, strict, transitional, user

          This option specifies the DOCTYPE declaration generated by Tidy.

          If set to omit the output won't contain a DOCTYPE declaration.
          Note this this also implies numeric-entities is set to yes.

          If set to html5 the DOCTYPE is set to <!DOCTYPE html>.

          If set to auto (the default) Tidy will use an educated guess
          based upon the contents of the document.

          If set to strict, Tidy will set the DOCTYPE to the HTML4 or
          XHTML1 strict DTD.

          If set to loose, the DOCTYPE is set to the HTML4 or XHTML1 loose
          (transitional) DTD.

          Alternatively, you can supply a string for the formal public
          identifier (FPI).

          For example:

          doctype: "-//ACME//DTD HTML 3.14159//EN"

          If you specify the FPI for an XHTML document, Tidy will set the
          system identifier to an empty string. For an HTML document, Tidy
          adds a system identifier only if one was already present in
          order to preserve the processing mode of some browsers. Tidy
          leaves the DOCTYPE for generic XML documents unchanged.

          This option does not offer a validation of document conformance.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should discard empty elements.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should discard empty paragraphs.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          Deprecated; do not use. This option is destructive to <font>
          tags, and it will be removed from future versions of Tidy. Use
          the clean option instead.

          If you do set this option despite the warning it will perform as
          clean except styles will be inline instead of put into a CSS
          class. <font> tags will be dropped completely and their styles
          will not be preserved.

          If both clean and this option are enabled, <font> tags will
          still be dropped completely, and other styles will be preserved
          in a CSS class instead of inline.

          See clean for more information.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should strip out proprietary
          attributes, such as Microsoft data binding attributes.
          Additionally attributes that aren't permitted in the output
          version of HTML will be dropped if used with strict-tags-


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should insert a <p> element to
          enclose any text it finds in any element that allows mixed
          content for HTML transitional but not HTML strict.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should enclose any text it finds
          in the body element within a <p> element.

          This is useful when you want to take existing HTML and use it
          with a style sheet.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should convert <![CDATA[]]>
          sections to normal text.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should replace backslash
          characters \ in URLs with forward slashes /.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should replace unexpected hyphens
          with = characters when it comes across adjacent hyphens.

          The default is yes.

          This option is provided for users of Cold Fusion which uses the
          comment syntax: <!--- --->.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should check attribute values that
          carry URIs for illegal characters and if such are found, escape
          them as HTML4 recommends.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should enable specific behavior
          for cleaning up HTML exported from Google Docs.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should print out comments.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option is an alias for omit-optional-tags.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should indent <![CDATA[]]>


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should use the XML parser rather
          than the error correcting HTML parser.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should combine class names to
          generate a single, new class name if multiple class assignments
          are detected on an element.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should combine styles to generate
          a single, new style if multiple style values are detected on an


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies how Tidy deals with whitespace characters
          within attribute values.

          If the value is no Tidy normalizes attribute values by replacing
          any newline or tab with a single space, and further by replacing
          any contiguous whitespace with a single space.

          To force Tidy to preserve the original, literal values of all
          attributes and ensure that whitespace within attribute values is
          passed through unchanged, set this option to yes.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should replace any occurrence of
          <i> with <em> and any occurrence of <b> with <strong>. Any
          attributes are preserved unchanged.

          This option can be set independently of the clean option.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should convert the value of an
          attribute that takes a list of predefined values to lower case.

          This is required for XHTML documents.


          Type:    AutoBool
          Default: auto
          Example: auto, y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option can be used to modify the behavior of clean when set
          to yes.

          This option specifies if Tidy should merge nested <div> such as

          If set to auto the attributes of the inner <div> are moved to
          the outer one. Nested <div> with id attributes are not merged.

          If set to yes the attributes of the inner <div> are discarded
          with the exception of class and style.

                                              See also: clean, merge-spans


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should merge nested <b> and <i>
          elements; for example, for the case

          <b class="rtop-2">foo <b class="r2-2">bar</b> baz</b>,

          Tidy will output <b class="rtop-2">foo bar baz</b>.


          Type:    AutoBool
          Default: auto
          Example: auto, y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option can be used to modify the behavior of clean when set
          to yes.

          This option specifies if Tidy should merge nested <span> such as

          The algorithm is identical to the one used by merge-divs.

                                               See also: clean, merge-divs


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should allow numeric character


          Type:    Tag names
          Default: -
          Example: tagX, tagY, ...

          This option specifies new block-level tags. This option takes a
          space or comma separated list of tag names.

          Unless you declare new tags, Tidy will refuse to generate a
          tidied file if the input includes previously unknown tags.

          Note you can't change the content model for elements such as
          <table>, <ul>, <ol> and <dl>.

          This option is ignored in XML mode.

                   See also: new-empty-tags, new-inline-tags, new-pre-tags


          Type:    Tag names
          Default: -
          Example: tagX, tagY, ...

          This option specifies new empty inline tags. This option takes a
          space or comma separated list of tag names.

          Unless you declare new tags, Tidy will refuse to generate a
          tidied file if the input includes previously unknown tags.

          Remember to also declare empty tags as either inline or

          This option is ignored in XML mode.

              See also: new-blocklevel-tags, new-inline-tags, new-pre-tags


          Type:    Tag names
          Default: -
          Example: tagX, tagY, ...

          This option specifies new non-empty inline tags. This option
          takes a space or comma separated list of tag names.

          Unless you declare new tags, Tidy will refuse to generate a
          tidied file if the input includes previously unknown tags.

          This option is ignored in XML mode.

               See also: new-blocklevel-tags, new-empty-tags, new-pre-tags


          Type:    Tag names
          Default: -
          Example: tagX, tagY, ...

          This option specifies new tags that are to be processed in
          exactly the same way as HTML's <pre> element. This option takes
          a space or comma separated list of tag names.

          Unless you declare new tags, Tidy will refuse to generate a
          tidied file if the input includes previously unknown tags.

          Note you cannot as yet add new CDATA elements.

          This option is ignored in XML mode.

            See also: new-blocklevel-tags, new-empty-tags, new-inline-tags


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should output entities other than
          the built-in HTML entities (&amp;, &lt;, &gt;, and &quot;) in
          the numeric rather than the named entity form.

          Only entities compatible with the DOCTYPE declaration generated
          are used.

          Entities that can be represented in the output encoding are
          translated correspondingly.

                                      See also: doctype, preserve-entities


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should omit optional start tags
          and end tags when generating output.

          Setting this option causes all tags for the <html>, <head>, and
          <body> elements to be omitted from output, as well as such end
          tags as </p>, </li>, </dt>, </dd>, </option>, </tr>, </td>, and

          This option is ignored for XML output.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should generate pretty printed
          output, writing it as HTML.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should generate pretty printed
          output, writing it as extensible HTML.

          This option causes Tidy to set the DOCTYPE and default namespace
          as appropriate to XHTML, and will use the corrected value in
          output regardless of other sources.

          For XHTML, entities can be written as named or numeric entities
          according to the setting of numeric-entities.

          The original case of tags and attributes will be preserved,
          regardless of other options.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should pretty print output,
          writing it as well-formed XML.

          Any entities not defined in XML 1.0 will be written as numeric
          entities to allow them to be parsed by an XML parser.

          The original case of tags and attributes will be preserved,
          regardless of other options.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should preserve well-formed
          entities as found in the input.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should output unadorned &
          characters as &amp;.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should output " characters as
          &quot; as is preferred by some editing environments.

          The apostrophe character ' is written out as &#39; since many
          web browsers don't yet support &apos;.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should output non-breaking space
          characters as entities, rather than as the Unicode character
          value 160 (decimal).


          Type:    enum
          Default: keep-last
          Example: keep-first, keep-last

          This option specifies if Tidy should keep the first or last
          attribute, if an attribute is repeated, e.g. has two align

                                       See also: join-classes, join-styles


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should replace numeric values in
          color attributes with HTML/XHTML color names where defined, e.g.
          replace #ffffff with white.


          Type:    AutoBool
          Default: no
          Example: auto, y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should print only the contents of
          the body tag as an HTML fragment.

          If set to auto, this is performed only if the body tag has been

          Useful for incorporating existing whole pages as a portion of
          another page.

          This option has no effect if XML output is requested.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies that Tidy should skip nested tags when
          parsing script and style data.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This options ensures that tags and attributes are applicable for
          the version of HTML that Tidy outputs. When set to yes (the
          default) and the output document type is a strict doctype, then
          Tidy will report errors. If the output document type is a loose
          or transitional doctype, then Tidy will report warnings.

          Additionally if drop-proprietary-attributes is enabled, then not
          applicable attributes will be dropped, too.

          When set to no, these checks are not performed.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should output attribute names in
          upper case.

          The default is no, which results in lower case attribute names,
          except for XML input, where the original case is preserved.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should output tag names in upper

          The default is no which results in lower case tag names, except
          for XML input where the original case is preserved.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should go to great pains to strip
          out all the surplus stuff Microsoft Word 2000 inserts when you
          save Word documents as "Web pages". It doesn't handle embedded
          images or VML.

          You should consider using Word's "Save As: Web Page, Filtered".

   Diagnostics options:


          Type:    enum
          Default: 0 (Tidy Classic)
          Example: 0 (Tidy Classic), 1 (Priority 1 Checks), 2 (Priority 2
          Checks), 3 (Priority 3 Checks)

          This option specifies what level of accessibility checking, if
          any, that Tidy should perform.

          Level 0 (Tidy Classic) is equivalent to Tidy Classic's
          accessibility checking.

          For more information on Tidy's accessibility checking, visit
          Tidy's Accessibility Page at http://www.html-


          Type:    Integer
          Default: 6
          Example: 0, 1, 2, ...

          This option specifies the number Tidy uses to determine if
          further errors should be shown. If set to 0, then no errors are


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should display info-level


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should suppress warnings. This can
          be useful when a few errors are hidden in a flurry of warnings.

   Pretty Print options:


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should output a line break before
          each <br> element.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option causes items that look like closing tags, like </g
          to be escaped to <\/g. Set this option to 'no' if you do not
          want this.


          Type:    AutoBool
          Default: no
          Example: auto, y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should indent block-level tags.

          If set to auto Tidy will decide whether or not to indent the
          content of tags such as <title>, <h1>-<h6>, <li>, <td>, or <p>
          based on the content including a block-level element.

          Setting indent to yes can expose layout bugs in some browsers.

          Use the option indent-spaces to control the number of spaces or
          tabs output per level of indent, and indent-with-tabs to specify
          whether spaces or tabs are used.

                                                   See also: indent-spaces


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should begin each attribute on a
          new line.


          Type:    Integer
          Default: 2
          Example: 0, 1, 2, ...

          This option specifies the number of spaces or tabs that Tidy
          uses to indent content when indent is enabled.

          Note that the default value for this option is dependent upon
          the value of indent-with-tabs (see also).

                                                          See also: indent


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should indent with tabs instead of
          spaces, assuming indent is yes.

          Set it to yes to indent using tabs instead of the default

          Use the option indent-spaces to control the number of tabs
          output per level of indent. Note that when indent-with-tabs is
          enabled the default value of indent-spaces is reset to 1.

          Note tab-size controls converting input tabs to spaces. Set it
          to zero to retain input tabs.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should generate a pretty printed
          version of the markup. Note that Tidy won't generate a pretty
          printed version if it finds significant errors (see force-


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should line wrap after some
          Unicode or Chinese punctuation characters.


          Type:    enum
          Default: none
          Example: none, alpha

          This option specifies that Tidy should sort attributes within an
          element using the specified sort algorithm. If set to alpha, the
          algorithm is an ascending alphabetic sort.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option has no function and is deprecated.


          Type:    Integer
          Default: 8
          Example: 0, 1, 2, ...

          This option specifies the number of columns that Tidy uses
          between successive tab stops. It is used to map tabs to spaces
          when reading the input.


          Type:    AutoBool
          Default: no
          Example: auto, y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should add some extra empty lines
          for readability.

          The default is no.

          If set to auto Tidy will eliminate nearly all newline


          Type:    Integer
          Default: 68
          Example: 0 (no wrapping), 1, 2, ...

          This option specifies the right margin Tidy uses for line

          Tidy tries to wrap lines so that they do not exceed this length.

          Set wrap to 0(zero) if you want to disable line wrapping.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should line wrap text contained
          within ASP pseudo elements, which look like: <% ... %>.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should line-wrap attribute values,
          meaning that if the value of an attribute causes a line to
          exceed the width specified by wrap, Tidy will add one or more
          line breaks to the value, causing it to be wrapped into multiple

          Note that this option can be set independently of wrap-script-
          literals. By default Tidy replaces any newline or tab with a
          single space and replaces any sequences of whitespace with a
          single space.

          To force Tidy to preserve the original, literal values of all
          attributes, and ensure that whitespace characters within
          attribute values are passed through unchanged, set literal-
          attributes to yes.

                        See also: wrap-script-literals, literal-attributes


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should line wrap text contained
          within JSTE pseudo elements, which look like: <# ... #>.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should line wrap text contained
          within PHP pseudo elements, which look like: <?php ... ?>.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should line wrap string literals
          that appear in script attributes.

          Tidy wraps long script string literals by inserting a backslash
          character before the line break.

                                                 See also: wrap-attributes


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should line wrap text contained
          within <![ ... ]> section tags.

   Character Encoding options:


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          Can be used to modify behavior of the clean option when set to

          If set to yes when using clean, &emdash;, &rdquo;, and other
          named character entities are downgraded to their closest ASCII

                                                           See also: clean


          Type:    Encoding
          Default: utf8
          Example: raw, ascii, latin0, latin1, utf8, iso2022, mac,
          win1252, ibm858, utf16le, utf16be, utf16, big5, shiftjis

          This option specifies the character encoding Tidy uses for both
          the input and output.

          For ascii Tidy will accept Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) character
          values, but will use entities for all characters whose value

          For raw, Tidy will output values above 127 without translating
          them into entities.

          For latin1, characters above 255 will be written as entities.

          For utf8, Tidy assumes that both input and output are encoded as

          You can use iso2022 for files encoded using the ISO-2022 family
          of encodings e.g. ISO-2022-JP.

          For mac and win1252, Tidy will accept vendor specific character
          values, but will use entities for all characters whose value

          For unsupported encodings, use an external utility to convert to
          and from UTF-8.

                                 See also: input-encoding, output-encoding


          Type:    Encoding
          Default: utf8
          Example: raw, ascii, latin0, latin1, utf8, iso2022, mac,
          win1252, ibm858, utf16le, utf16be, utf16, big5, shiftjis

          This option specifies the character encoding Tidy uses for the
          input. See char-encoding for more info.

                                                   See also: char-encoding


          Type:    String
          Default: -
          Default: -

          Currently not used, but this option specifies the language Tidy
          would use if it were properly localized. For example: en.


          Type:    enum
          Default: Platform dependent
          Example: LF, CRLF, CR

          The default is appropriate to the current platform.

          Genrally CRLF on PC-DOS, Windows and OS/2; CR on Classic Mac OS;
          and LF everywhere else (Linux, Mac OS X, and Unix).


          Type:    AutoBool
          Default: auto
          Example: auto, y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should write a Unicode Byte Order
          Mark character (BOM; also known as Zero Width No-Break Space;
          has value of U+FEFF) to the beginning of the output, and only
          applies to UTF-8 and UTF-16 output encodings.

          If set to auto this option causes Tidy to write a BOM to the
          output only if a BOM was present at the beginning of the input.

          A BOM is always written for XML/XHTML output using UTF-16 output


          Type:    Encoding
          Default: utf8
          Example: raw, ascii, latin0, latin1, utf8, iso2022, mac,
          win1252, ibm858, utf16le, utf16be, utf16, big5, shiftjis

          This option specifies the character encoding Tidy uses for the

          Note that this may only be different from input-encoding for
          Latin encodings (ascii, latin0, latin1, mac, win1252, ibm858).

          See char-encoding for more information

                                                   See also: char-encoding

   Miscellaneous options:


          Type:    String
          Default: -
          Default: -

          This option specifies the error file Tidy uses for errors and
          warnings. Normally errors and warnings are output to stderr.

                                                     See also: output-file


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should produce output even if
          errors are encountered.

          Use this option with care; if Tidy reports an error, this means
          Tidy was not able to (or is not sure how to) fix the error, so
          the resulting output may not reflect your intention.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should change the format for
          reporting errors and warnings to a format that is more easily
          parsed by GNU Emacs.


          Type:    String
          Default: -
          Default: -

          Used internally.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should keep the original
          modification time of files that Tidy modifies in place.

          Setting the option to yes allows you to tidy files without
          changing the file modification date, which may be useful with
          certain tools that use the modification date for things such as
          automatic server deployment.

          Note this feature is not supported on some platforms.


          Type:    String
          Default: -
          Default: -

          This option specifies the output file Tidy uses for markup.
          Normally markup is written to stdout.

                                                      See also: error-file


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should output the summary of the
          numbers of errors and warnings, or the welcome or informational


          Type:    String
          Default: -
          Default: -

          This option has no function and is deprecated.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: yes
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should add a meta element to the
          document head to indicate that the document has been tidied.

          Tidy won't add a meta element if one is already present.


          Type:    Boolean
          Default: no
          Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0

          This option specifies if Tidy should write back the tidied
          markup to the same file it read from.

          You are advised to keep copies of important files before tidying
          them, as on rare occasions the result may not be what you


   For more information about HTML Tidy:


   For more information on HTML:

       HTML: Edition for Web Authors (the latest HTML specification)

       HTML: The Markup Language (an HTML language reference)

   For bug reports and comments:


   Or send questions and comments to public-htacg@w3.org.

   Validate your HTML documents using the W3C Nu Markup Validator:



   Tidy was written by Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org>, and subsequently
   maintained by a team at http://tidy.sourceforge.net/, and now
   maintained by HTACG (http://www.htacg.org).

   The sources for HTML Tidy are available at
   https://github.com/htacg/tidy-html5/ under the MIT Licence.


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