

   certmgr - Mono Certificate Manager (CLI version)


   certmgr  [action]  [object  type] [options] store [filename] or certmgr
   -ssl [options] url


   This  tool  allow  to  list,  add,  remove  or  extract   certificates,
   certificate  revocation  lists  (CRL)  or certificate trust lists (CTL)
   to/from a certificate store. Certificate stores are used to  build  and
   validate certificate chains for Authenticode(r) code signing validation
   and SSL server certificates.


   The store represents the certificate store to use.   It can be  one  of
   the following:

   My     This is the personal certificate store.

          This is the store for other people.

   CA     This is a store for intermediate certificate authorities.

   Trust  This is for trusted roots.

          This is for untrusted roots


   -list  List the certificates, CTL or CTL in the specified store.

   -add   Add  a  certificate,  CRL or CTL to specified store. If filename
          it's a pkcs12 or pfx file, and it contains  a  private  key,  it
          will be imported to local key pair container.

   -del   Remove  a certificate, CRL or CTL from specified store. You must
          specify the object to be removed with it's hash value (and not a
          filename).  This  hash  value is shown when doing a -list on the

   -put   Copy a certificate, CRL or CTL from a store to a file.

   -ssl   Download and add the certificates from a SSL session. You'll  be
          asked to confirm the addition of every certificate received from
          the server. Note that SSL/TLS protocols do not requires a server
          to send the root certificate.  This action assume an certificate
          (-c) object type and will import the certificates in appropriate
          stores  (i.e.  server  certificate in the OtherPeople store, the
          root certificate in the  Trust  store,  any  other  intermediate
          certificates in the IntermediateCA store).

          Allows  importing  a private key from a pkcs12 file into a local
          key pair  store.  (Usefull  when  you  already  have  the  key's
          corresponding certificate installed at the specific store.)


   -c , -cert , -certificate
          Add,  Delete  or  Put  certificates.  That is the specified file
          must/will contains X.509 certificates in DER binary encoding.

   -crl   Add, Delete or Put certificate revocation lists (CRL).  That  is
          the  specified  file  must/will contains X.509 CRL in DER binary

   -ctl   Add, Delete or Put certificate trust lists (CRL). UNSUPPORTED.


   -m     Use the machine's certificate stores  (instead  of  the  default
          user's stores).

   -v     More details displayed on the console.

   -p password
          Use the specify password when accessing a pkcs12 file.

   -help , -h , -? , /?
          Display help about this tool.


   WARNING:  This  details  the  current behavior of Mono and could change
   between releases.  The only  safe  way  to  interact  with  certificate
   stores  is  to use the certmgr tool. The current releases of Mono keeps
   all  the  user  certificate  stores  in  separates  directories   under

   For  example  the  trusted  root  certificates for a user would be kept

   Certificates files are kept in DER (binary) format (extension .cer).

   The filenames either starts with
          tbp (thumbprint) or ski (subject key identifier).

   The rest of the filename is the base64-encoded value (tbp or ski).

   Private key data is stored under


   mono certmgr.exe -list -c -m Trust
          List all certificates in the  machine  Trust  store.  This  will
          display  the  hash value for each certificate. This value can be
          used to identify uniquely  a  certificate  for  some  operations
          (e.g.         delete).         E.g.          Unique        Hash:

   mono        certmgr.exe        -del         -c         -m         Trust
          Remove  the certificate, represented by the hash value, from the
          machine Trust store. Note that the  machine  store  is  normally
          restricted.  The  following  error  message  will  appear if the
          current user doesn't have the minimum access  rights  to  remove
          the certificate: Access to the machine 'Trust' certificate store
          has been denied.

   certmgr -ssl https://www.verisign.com
          Import certificates from www.verisign.com  used  for  HTTP  over
          SSL.   See   KNOWN  ISSUES  (MD2)  if  you're  downloading  from

   certmgr -ssl ldaps://www.nldap.com:636
          Import the certificates from www.nldap.com used for secure LDAP.
          This  works  even  if we don't know how to speak LDAP because we
          stop the communication shortly after the  SSL  handshake  (which
          gives us the certificate).


   MD2    Some  Certificate Authorities (CA) old root certificates use the
          MD2 hash algorithm. MD2 is old enough not  to  be  part  of  the
          standard .NET framework.  This makes it impossible to validate a
          digital signature made with MD2. For this reason MD2 is included
          in  the  Mono.Security.dll  assembly. However the machine.config
          file must be updated so the OID for MD2 is known at runtime.

          To correct this insert the  following  XML  snippet  inside  the
          <configuration> element of your machine.config file.
          monoMD2="Mono.Security.Cryptography.MD2Managed,   Mono.Security,
          Version=1.0.5000.0,                             Culture=neutral,
          PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756" />
                  <nameEntry name="MD2" class="monoMD2" />
                  <oidEntry OID="1.2.840.113549.2.2" name="MD2" />


   Written by Sebastien Pouliot

   Minor additions by Pablo Ruiz Garca


   Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Novell.


   Visit http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/mono-list for details.


   Visit http://www.mono-project.com for details





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