

   pt-variable-advisor - Analyze MySQL variables and advise on possible


   Usage: pt-variable-advisor [OPTIONS] [DSN]

   pt-variable-advisor analyzes variables and advises on possible

   Get SHOW VARIABLES from localhost:

     pt-variable-advisor localhost

   Get SHOW VARIABLES output saved in vars.txt:

     pt-variable-advisor --source-of-variables vars.txt


   Percona Toolkit is mature, proven in the real world, and well tested,
   but all database tools can pose a risk to the system and the database
   server.  Before using this tool, please:

   *   Read the tool's documentation

   *   Review the tool's known "BUGS"

   *   Test the tool on a non-production server

   *   Backup your production server and verify the backups


   pt-variable-advisor examines "SHOW VARIABLES" for bad values and
   settings according to the "RULES" described below.  It reports on
   variables that match the rules, so you can find bad settings in your
   MySQL server.

   At the time of this release, pt-variable-advisor only examples "SHOW
   VARIABLES", but other input sources are planned like "SHOW STATUS" and


   These are the rules that pt-variable-advisor will apply to SHOW
   VARIABLES.  Each rule has three parts: an ID, a severity, and a

   The rule's ID is a short, unique name for the rule.  It usually relates
   to the variable that the rule examines.  If a variable is examined by
   several rules, then the rules' IDs are numbered like "-1", "-2", "-N".

   The rule's severity is an indication of how important it is that this
   rule matched a query.  We use NOTE, WARN, and CRIT to denote these

   The rule's description is a textual, human-readable explanation of what
   it means when a variable matches this rule.  Depending on the verbosity
   of the report you generate, you will see more of the text in the
   description.  By default, you'll see only the first sentence, which is
   sort of a terse synopsis of the rule's meaning.  At a higher verbosity,
   you'll see subsequent sentences.

       severity: note

       Are you trying to write to more than one server in a dual-master or
       ring replication configuration?  This is potentially very dangerous
       and in most cases is a serious mistake.  Most people's reasons for
       doing this are actually not valid at all.

       severity: note

       Holes (spaces left by deletes) in MyISAM tables might never be

       severity: note

       A large value of this setting can create a denial of service

       severity: crit

       Servers built with debugging capability should not be used in
       production because of the large performance impact.

       severity: warn

       MyISAM index blocks are never flushed until necessary.  If there is
       a server crash, data corruption on MyISAM tables can be much worse
       than usual.

       severity: warn

       This option might decrease performance greatly.

       severity: warn

       This option might decrease performance greatly.

       severity: note

       The BDB engine is deprecated.  If you aren't using it, you should
       disable it with the skip_bdb option.

       severity: note

       The init_connect option is enabled on this server.

       severity: note

       The init_file option is enabled on this server.

       severity: note

       The init_slave option is enabled on this server.

       severity: warn

       This variable generally doesn't need to be larger than 20MB.

       severity: warn

       The InnoDB buffer pool size is unconfigured.  In a production
       environment it should always be configured explicitly, and the
       default 10MB size is not good.

       severity: warn

       InnoDB checksums are disabled.  Your data is not protected from
       hardware corruption or other errors!

       severity: warn

       InnoDB doublewrite is disabled.  Unless you use a filesystem that
       protects against partial page writes, your data is not safe!

       severity: warn

       InnoDB's shutdown behavior is not the default.  This can lead to
       poor performance, or the need to perform crash recovery upon

       severity: warn

       InnoDB is not configured in strictly ACID mode.  If there is a
       crash, some transactions can be lost.

       severity: warn

       Setting innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit to 0 has no performance
       benefits over setting it to 2, and more types of data loss are
       possible.  If you are trying to change it from 1 for performance
       reasons, you should set it to 2 instead of 0.

       severity: warn

       InnoDB is in forced recovery mode!  This should be used only
       temporarily when recovering from data corruption or other bugs, not
       for normal usage.

       severity: warn

       This option has an unusually long value, which can cause system
       overload if locks are not being released.

       severity: warn

       The InnoDB log buffer size generally should not be set larger than
       16MB.  If you are doing large BLOB operations, InnoDB is not really
       a good choice of engines anyway.

       severity: warn

       The InnoDB log file size is set to its default value, which is not
       usable on production systems.

       severity: note

       The innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct is lower than the default.  This can
       cause overly aggressive flushing and add load to the I/O system.

       severity: warn

       This setting is likely to cause very bad performance every
       flush_time seconds.

       severity: warn

       The key buffer size is set to its default value, which is not good
       for most production systems.  In a production environment,
       key_buffer_size should be larger than the default 8MB size.

       severity: note

       Large pages are enabled.

       severity: note

       The server is locked in memory with --memlock.

       severity: note

       Log_warnings is disabled, so unusual events such as statements
       unsafe for replication and aborted connections will not be logged
       to the error log.

       severity: note

       Log_warnings must be set greater than 1 to log unusual events such
       as aborted connections.

       severity: note

       The server is running with non-default lock priority for updates.
       This could cause update queries to wait unexpectedly for read

       severity: note

       The max_binlog_size is smaller than the default of 1GB.

       severity: note

       max_connect_errors should probably be set as large as your platform

       severity: warn

       If the server ever really has more than a thousand threads running,
       then the system is likely to spend more time scheduling threads
       than really doing useful work.  This variable's value should be
       considered in light of your workload.

       severity: note

       myisam_repair_threads > 1 enables multi-threaded repair, which is
       relatively untested and is still listed as beta-quality code in the
       official documentation.

       severity: warn

       Old-style passwords are insecure.  They are sent in plain text
       across the wire.

       severity: warn

       The optimizer will use an exhaustive search when planning complex
       queries, which can cause the planning process to take a long time.

       severity: note

       The server is listening on a non-default port.

       severity: note

       The query cache does not scale to large sizes and can cause
       unstable performance when larger than 128MB, especially on multi-
       core machines.

       severity: warn

       The query cache can cause severe performance problems when it is
       larger than 256MB, especially on multi-core machines.

       severity: note

       The read_buffer_size variable should generally be left at its
       default unless an expert determines it is necessary to change it.

       severity: warn

       The read_buffer_size variable should not be larger than 8MB.  It
       should generally be left at its default unless an expert determines
       it is necessary to change it.  Making it larger than 2MB can hurt
       performance significantly, and can make the server crash, swap to
       death, or just become extremely unstable.

       severity: note

       The read_rnd_buffer_size variable should generally be left at its
       default unless an expert determines it is necessary to change it.

       severity: warn

       The read_rnd_buffer_size variable should not be larger than 4M.  It
       should generally be left at its default unless an expert determines
       it is necessary to change it.

       severity: warn

       Setting relay_log_space_limit can cause replicas to stop fetching
       binary logs from their master immediately. This could increase the
       risk that your data will be lost if the master crashes. If the
       replicas have encountered a limit on relay log space, then it is
       possible that the latest transactions exist only on the master and
       no replica has retrieved them.

       severity: warn

       This variable is set too high.  This is too long to wait before
       noticing that the connection to the master has failed and retrying.
       This should probably be set to 60 seconds or less.  It is also a
       good idea to use pt-heartbeat to ensure that the connection does
       not appear to time out when the master is simply idle.

       severity: crit

       You should not set this option.  If replication is having errors,
       you need to find and resolve the cause of that; it is likely that
       your slave's data is different from the master.  You can find out
       with pt-table-checksum.

       severity: note

       The sort_buffer_size variable should generally be left at its
       default unless an expert determines it is necessary to change it.

       severity: note

       The sort_buffer_size variable should generally be left at its
       default unless an expert determines it is necessary to change it.
       Making it larger than a few MB can hurt performance significantly,
       and can make the server crash, swap to death, or just become
       extremely unstable.

       severity: note

       This server is configured not to log Note level warnings to the
       error log.

       severity: warn

       It is best to set sync_frm so that .frm files are flushed safely to
       disk in case of a server crash.

       severity: note

       This server's transaction isolation level is non-default.

       severity: warn

       Most applications should use the default REPEATABLE-READ
       transaction isolation level, or in a few cases READ-COMMITTED.

       severity: warn

       Binary logs are enabled, but automatic purging is not enabled.  If
       you do not purge binary logs, your disk will fill up.  If you
       delete binary logs externally to MySQL, you will cause unwanted
       behaviors.  Always ask MySQL to purge obsolete logs, never delete
       them externally.

       severity: note

       This option is useless except on Windows.

       severity: note

       Auto-extending InnoDB files can consume a lot of disk space that is
       very difficult to reclaim later.  Some people prefer to set
       innodb_file_per_table and allocate a fixed-size file for ibdata1.

       severity: note

       Most production database servers that use InnoDB should set
       innodb_flush_method to O_DIRECT to avoid double-buffering, unless
       the I/O system is very low performance.

       severity: warn

       This option makes point-in-time recovery from binary logs, and
       replication, untrustworthy if statement-based logging is used.

       severity: warn

       MySQL's internal XA transaction support between InnoDB and the
       binary log is disabled.  The binary log might not match InnoDB's
       state after crash recovery, and replication might drift out of sync
       due to out-of-order statements in the binary log.

       severity: warn

       Binary logging is disabled, so point-in-time recovery and
       replication are not possible.

       severity: warn

       Directing log output to tables has a high performance impact.

       severity: note

       A custom max_relay_log_size is defined.

       severity: warn

       myisam_recover_options should be set to some value such as
       BACKUP,FORCE to ensure that table corruption is noticed.

       severity: note

       The server is using a non-standard storage engine as default.

       severity: warn

       Binary logging is enabled, but sync_binlog isn't configured so that
       every transaction is flushed to the binary log for durability.

       severity: note

       The effective minimum size of in-memory implicit temporary tables
       used internally during query execution is min(tmp_table_size,
       max_heap_table_size), so max_heap_table_size should be at least as
       large as tmp_table_size.

   old mysql version
       severity: warn

       These are the recommended minimum version for each major release:
       3.23, 4.1.20, 5.0.37, 5.1.30.

   end-of-life mysql version
       severity: note

       Every release older than 5.1 is now officially end-of-life.


   This tool accepts additional command-line arguments.  Refer to the
   "SYNOPSIS" and usage information for details.

       Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL.

       short form: -A; type: string

       Default character set.  If the value is utf8, sets Perl's binmode
       on STDOUT to utf8, passes the mysql_enable_utf8 option to
       DBD::mysql, and runs SET NAMES UTF8 after connecting to MySQL.  Any
       other value sets binmode on STDOUT without the utf8 layer, and runs
       SET NAMES after connecting to MySQL.

       type: Array

       Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified, this
       must be the first option on the command line.

       Fork to the background and detach from the shell.  POSIX operating
       systems only.

       short form: -D; type: string

       Connect to this database.

       short form: -F; type: string

       Only read mysql options from the given file.  You must give an
       absolute pathname.

       Show help and exit.

       short form: -h; type: string

       Connect to host.

       type: hash

       Ignore these rule IDs.

       Specify a comma-separated list of rule IDs (e.g.
       LIT.001,RES.002,etc.)  to ignore.

       short form: -p; type: string

       Password to use when connecting.  If password contains commas they
       must be escaped with a backslash: "exam\,ple"

       type: string

       Create the given PID file.  The tool won't start if the PID file
       already exists and the PID it contains is different than the
       current PID.  However, if the PID file exists and the PID it
       contains is no longer running, the tool will overwrite the PID file
       with the current PID.  The PID file is removed automatically when
       the tool exits.

       short form: -P; type: int

       Port number to use for connection.

       type: Array

       Set the MySQL variables in this comma-separated list of
       "variable=value" pairs.

       By default, the tool sets:


       Variables specified on the command line override these defaults.
       For example, specifying "--set-vars wait_timeout=500" overrides the
       defaultvalue of 10000.

       The tool prints a warning and continues if a variable cannot be

       short form: -S; type: string

       Socket file to use for connection.

       type: string; default: mysql

       Read "SHOW VARIABLES" from this source.  Possible values are
       "mysql", "none" or a file name.  If "mysql" is specified then you
       must also specify a DSN on the command line.

       short form: -u; type: string

       User for login if not current user.

       short form: -v; cumulative: yes; default: 1

       Increase verbosity of output.  At the default level of verbosity,
       the program prints only the first sentence of each rule's
       description.  At higher levels, the program prints more of the

       Show version and exit.

       default: yes

       Check for the latest version of Percona Toolkit, MySQL, and other

       This is a standard "check for updates automatically" feature, with
       two additional features.  First, the tool checks the version of
       other programs on the local system in addition to its own version.
       For example, it checks the version of every MySQL server it
       connects to, Perl, and the Perl module DBD::mysql.  Second, it
       checks for and warns about versions with known problems.  For
       example, MySQL 5.5.25 had a critical bug and was re-released as

       Any updates or known problems are printed to STDOUT before the
       tool's normal output.  This feature should never interfere with the
       normal operation of the tool.

       For more information, visit


   These DSN options are used to create a DSN.  Each option is given like
   "option=value".  The options are case-sensitive, so P and p are not the
   same option.  There cannot be whitespace before or after the "=" and if
   the value contains whitespace it must be quoted.  DSN options are
   comma-separated.  See the percona-toolkit manpage for full details.

   *   A

       dsn: charset; copy: yes

       Default character set.

   *   D

       dsn: database; copy: yes

       Default database.

   *   F

       dsn: mysql_read_default_file; copy: yes

       Only read default options from the given file

   *   h

       dsn: host; copy: yes

       Connect to host.

   *   p

       dsn: password; copy: yes

       Password to use when connecting.  If password contains commas they
       must be escaped with a backslash: "exam\,ple"

   *   P

       dsn: port; copy: yes

       Port number to use for connection.

   *   S

       dsn: mysql_socket; copy: yes

       Socket file to use for connection.

   *   u

       dsn: user; copy: yes

       User for login if not current user.


   The environment variable "PTDEBUG" enables verbose debugging output to
   STDERR.  To enable debugging and capture all output to a file, run the
   tool like:

      PTDEBUG=1 pt-variable-advisor ... > FILE 2>&1

   Be careful: debugging output is voluminous and can generate several
   megabytes of output.


   You need Perl, DBI, DBD::mysql, and some core packages that ought to be
   installed in any reasonably new version of Perl.


   For a list of known bugs, see

   Please report bugs at <>.
   Include the following information in your bug report:

   *   Complete command-line used to run the tool

   *   Tool "--version"

   *   MySQL version of all servers involved

   *   Output from the tool including STDERR

   *   Input files (log/dump/config files, etc.)

   If possible, include debugging output by running the tool with


   Visit <> to download
   the latest release of Percona Toolkit.  Or, get the latest release from
   the command line:




   You can also get individual tools from the latest release:


   Replace "TOOL" with the name of any tool.


   Baron Schwartz and Daniel Nichter


   This tool is part of Percona Toolkit, a collection of advanced command-
   line tools for MySQL developed by Percona.  Percona Toolkit was forked
   from two projects in June, 2011: Maatkit and Aspersa.  Those projects
   were created by Baron Schwartz and primarily developed by him and
   Daniel Nichter.  Visit <> to learn
   about other free, open-source software from Percona.


   This program is copyright 2010-2016 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates.


   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
   Free Software Foundation, version 2; OR the Perl Artistic License.  On
   UNIX and similar systems, you can issue `man perlgpl' or `man
   perlartistic' to read these licenses.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
   59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.


   pt-variable-advisor 2.2.20


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