

   pt-visual-explain - Format EXPLAIN output as a tree.


   Usage: pt-visual-explain [OPTIONS] [FILES]

   pt-visual-explain transforms EXPLAIN output into a tree representation
   of the query plan.  If FILE is given, input is read from the file(s).
   With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.


     pt-visual-explain <file_containing_explain_output>

     pt-visual-explain -c <file_containing_query>

     mysql -e "explain select * from mysql.user" | pt-visual-explain


   Percona Toolkit is mature, proven in the real world, and well tested,
   but all database tools can pose a risk to the system and the database
   server.  Before using this tool, please:

   *   Read the tool's documentation

   *   Review the tool's known "BUGS"

   *   Test the tool on a non-production server

   *   Backup your production server and verify the backups


   pt-visual-explain reverse-engineers MySQL's EXPLAIN output into a query
   execution plan, which it then formats as a left-deep tree -- the same
   way the plan is represented inside MySQL.  It is possible to do this by
   hand, or to read EXPLAIN's output directly, but it requires patience
   and expertise.  Many people find a tree representation more

   You can pipe input into pt-visual-explain or specify a filename at the
   command line, including the magical '-' filename, which will read from
   standard input.  It can do two things with the input: parse it for
   something that looks like EXPLAIN output, or connect to a MySQL
   instance and run EXPLAIN on the input.

   When parsing its input, pt-visual-explain understands three formats:
   tabular like that shown in the mysql command-line client, vertical like
   that created by using the \G line terminator in the mysql command-line
   client, and tab separated.  It ignores any lines it doesn't know how to

   When executing the input, pt-visual-explain replaces everything in the
   input up to the first SELECT keyword with 'EXPLAIN SELECT,' and then
   executes the result.  You must specify "--connect" to execute the input
   as a query.

   Either way, it builds a tree from the result set and prints it to
   standard output.  For the following query,

    select * from sakila.film_actor join using(film_id);

   pt-visual-explain generates this query plan:

    +- Bookmark lookup
    |  +- Table
    |  |  table          film_actor
    |  |  possible_keys  idx_fk_film_id
    |  +- Index lookup
    |     key            film_actor->idx_fk_film_id
    |     possible_keys  idx_fk_film_id
    |     key_len        2
    |     ref  
    |     rows           2
    +- Table scan
       rows           952
       +- Table
          table          film
          possible_keys  PRIMARY

   The query plan is left-deep, depth-first search, and the tree's root is
   the output node -- the last step in the execution plan.  In other
   words, read it like this:

   1.  Table scan the 'film' table, which accesses an estimated 952 rows.

   2.  For each row, find matching rows by doing an index lookup into the
       film_actor->idx_fk_film_id index with the value from, then a bookmark lookup into the film_actor

   For more information on how to read EXPLAIN output, please see
   <>, and this talk titled "MySQL
   query optimizer internals and upcoming features in v. 5.2": from Timour
   Katchaounov, one of the MySQL developers: <>


   This program is actually a runnable module, not just an ordinary Perl
   script.  In fact, there are two modules embedded in it.  This makes
   unit testing easy, but it also makes it easy for you to use the parsing
   and tree-building functionality if you want.

   The ExplainParser package accepts a string and parses whatever it
   thinks looks like EXPLAIN output from it.  The synopsis is as follows:

    require "pt-visual-explain";
    my $p    = ExplainParser->new();
    my $rows = $p->parse("some text");
    # $rows is an arrayref of hashrefs.

   The ExplainTree package accepts a set of rows and turns it into a tree.
   For convenience, you can also have it delegate to ExplainParser and
   parse text for you.  Here's the synopsis:

    require "pt-visual-explain";
    my $e      = ExplainTree->new();
    my $tree   = $e->parse("some text", \%options);
    my $output = $e->pretty_print($tree);
    print $tree;


   This section explains the algorithm that converts EXPLAIN into a tree.
   You may be interested in reading this if you want to understand EXPLAIN
   more fully, or trying to figure out how this works, but otherwise this
   section will probably not make your life richer.

   The tree can be built by examining the id, select_type, and table
   columns of each row.  Here's what I know about them:

   The id column is the sequential number of the select.  This does not
   indicate nesting; it just comes from counting SELECT from the left of
   the SQL statement.  It's like capturing parentheses in a regular
   expression.  A UNION RESULT row doesn't have an id, because it isn't a
   SELECT.  The source code actually refers to UNIONs as a fake_lex, as I

   If two adjacent rows have the same id value, they are joined with the
   standard single-sweep multi-join method.

   The select_type column tells a) that a new sub-scope has opened b) what
   kind of relationship the row has to the previous row c) what kind of
   operation the row represents.

   *   SIMPLE means there are no subqueries or unions in the whole query.

   *   PRIMARY means there are, but this is the outermost SELECT.

   *   [DEPENDENT] UNION means this result is UNIONed with the previous
       result (not row; a result might encompass more than one row).

   *   UNION RESULT terminates a set of UNIONed results.

   *   [DEPENDENT|UNCACHEABLE] SUBQUERY means a new sub-scope is opening.
       This is the kind of subquery that happens in a WHERE clause, SELECT
       list or whatnot; it does not return a so-called "derived table."

   *   DERIVED is a subquery in the FROM clause.

   Tables that are JOINed all have the same select_type.  For example, if
   you JOIN three tables inside a dependent subquery, they'll all say the
   same thing: DEPENDENT SUBQUERY.

   The table column usually specifies the table name or alias, but may
   also say <derivedN> or <unionN,N...N>.  If it says <derivedN>, the row
   represents an access to the temporary table that holds the result of
   the subquery whose id is N.  If it says <unionN,..N> it's the same
   thing, but it refers to the results it UNIONs together.

   Finally, order matters.  If a row's id is less than the one before it,
   I think that means it is dependent on something other than the one
   before it.  For example,

    explain select
       (select 1 from,
       (select 2 from sakila.film_actor),
       (select 3 from;

    | id | select_type | table      |
    |  1 | PRIMARY     | NULL       |
    |  4 | SUBQUERY    | actor      |
    |  3 | SUBQUERY    | film_actor |
    |  2 | SUBQUERY    | film       |

   If the results were in order 2-3-4, I think that would mean 3 is a
   subquery of 2, 4 is a subquery of 3.  As it is, this means 4 is a
   subquery of the nearest previous recent row with a smaller id, which is
   1.  Likewise for 3 and 2.

   This structure is hard to programmatically build into a tree for the
   same reason it's hard to understand by inspection: there are both
   forward and backward references.  <derivedN> is a forward reference to
   selectN, while <unionM,N> is a backward reference to selectM and
   selectN.  That makes recursion and other tree-building algorithms hard
   to get right (NOTE: after implementation, I now see how it would be
   possible to deal with both forward and backward references, but I have
   no motivation to change something that works).  Consider the following:

    select * from (
       select 1 from as actor_1
       select 1 from as actor_2
    ) as der_1
    select * from (
       select 1 from as actor_3
       union all
       select 1 from as actor_4
    ) as der_2;

    | id   | select_type  | table      |
    |  1   | PRIMARY      | <derived2> |
    |  2   | DERIVED      | actor_1    |
    |  3   | UNION        | actor_2    |
    | NULL | UNION RESULT | <union2,3> |
    |  4   | UNION        | <derived5> |
    |  5   | DERIVED      | actor_3    |
    |  6   | UNION        | actor_4    |
    | NULL | UNION RESULT | <union5,6> |
    | NULL | UNION RESULT | <union1,4> |

   This would be a lot easier to work with if it looked like this (I've
   bracketed the id on rows I moved):

    | id   | select_type  | table      |
    | [1]  | UNION RESULT | <union1,4> |
    |  1   | PRIMARY      | <derived2> |
    | [2]  | UNION RESULT | <union2,3> |
    |  2   | DERIVED      | actor_1    |
    |  3   | UNION        | actor_2    |
    |  4   | UNION        | <derived5> |
    | [5]  | UNION RESULT | <union5,6> |
    |  5   | DERIVED      | actor_3    |
    |  6   | UNION        | actor_4    |

   In fact, why not re-number all the ids, so the PRIMARY row becomes 2,
   and so on?  That would make it even easier to read.  Unfortunately that
   would also have the effect of destroying the meaning of the id column,
   which I think is important to preserve in the final tree.  Also, though
   it makes it easier to read, it doesn't make it easier to manipulate
   programmatically; so it's fine to leave them numbered as they are.

   The goal of re-ordering is to make it easier to figure out which rows
   are children of which rows in the execution plan.  Given the reordered
   list and some row whose table is <union...> or <derived>, it is easy to
   find the beginning of the slice of rows that should be child nodes in
   the tree: you just look for the first row whose ID is the same as the
   first number in the table.

   The next question is how to find the last row that should be a child
   node of a UNION or DERIVED.   I'll start with DERIVED, because the
   solution makes UNION easy.

   Consider how MySQL numbers the SELECTs sequentially according to their
   position in the SQL, left-to-right.  Since a DERIVED table encloses
   everything within it in a scope, which becomes a temporary table, there
   are only two things to think about: its child subqueries and unions (if
   any), and its next siblings in the scope that encloses it.  Its
   children will all have an id greater than it does, by definition, so
   any later rows with a smaller id terminate the scope.

   Here's an example.  The middle derived table here has a subquery and a
   UNION to make it a little more complex for the example.

    explain select 1
    from (
       select film_id from limit 1
    ) as der_1
    join (
       select film_id, actor_id, (select count(*) from sakila.rental) as r
       from sakila.film_actor limit 1
       union all
       select 1, 1, 1 from sakila.film_actor as dummy
    ) as der_2 using (film_id)
    join (
       select actor_id from limit 1
    ) as der_3 using (actor_id);

   Here's the output of EXPLAIN:

    | id   | select_type  | table      |
    |  1   | PRIMARY      | <derived2> |
    |  1   | PRIMARY      | <derived6> |
    |  1   | PRIMARY      | <derived3> |
    |  6   | DERIVED      | actor      |
    |  3   | DERIVED      | film_actor |
    |  4   | SUBQUERY     | rental     |
    |  5   | UNION        | dummy      |
    | NULL | UNION RESULT | <union3,5> |
    |  2   | DERIVED      | film       |

   The siblings all have id 1, and the middle one I care about is
   derived3.  (Notice MySQL doesn't execute them in the order I defined
   them, which is fine).  Now notice that MySQL prints out the rows in the
   opposite order I defined the subqueries: 6, 3, 2.  It always seems to
   do this, and there might be other methods of finding the scope
   boundaries including looking for the lower boundary of the next largest
   sibling, but this is a good enough heuristic.  I am forced to rely on
   it for non-DERIVED subqueries, so I rely on it here too.  Therefore, I
   decide that everything greater than or equal to 3 belongs to the
   DERIVED scope.

   The rule for UNION is simple: they consume the entire enclosing scope,
   and to find the component parts of each one, you find each part's
   beginning as referred to in the <unionN,...> definition, and its end is
   either just before the next one, or if it's the last part, the end is
   the end of the scope.

   This is only simple because UNION consumes the entire scope, which is
   either the entire statement, or the scope of a DERIVED table.  This is
   because a UNION cannot be a sibling of another UNION or a table,
   DERIVED or not.  (Try writing such a statement if you don't see it
   intuitively).  Therefore, you can just find the enclosing scope's
   boundaries, and the rest is easy.  Notice in the example above, the
   UNION is over <union3,5>, which includes the row with id 4 -- it
   includes every row between 3 and 5.

   Finally, there are non-derived subqueries to deal with as well.  In
   this case I can't look at siblings to find the end of the scope as I
   did for DERIVED.  I have to trust that MySQL executes depth-first.
   Here's an example:

    select actor_id,
       select count(film_id)
       + (select count(*) from
       from join sakila.film_actor using(film_id)
       where exists(
          select * from
          where = sakila.film_actor.actor_id

    | id | select_type        | table      |
    |  1 | PRIMARY            | actor      |
    |  2 | SUBQUERY           | film       |
    |  2 | SUBQUERY           | film_actor |
    |  4 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | actor      |
    |  3 | SUBQUERY           | film       |

   In order, the tree should be built like this:

   *   See row 1.

   *   See row 2.  It's a higher id than 1, so it's a subquery, along with
       every other row whose id is greater than 2.

   *   Inside this scope, see 2 and 2 and JOIN them.  See 4.  It's a
       higher id than 2, so it's again a subquery; recurse.  After that,
       see 3, which is also higher; recurse.

   But the only reason the nested subquery didn't include select 3 is
   because select 4 came first.  In other words, if EXPLAIN looked like

    | id | select_type        | table      |
    |  1 | PRIMARY            | actor      |
    |  2 | SUBQUERY           | film       |
    |  2 | SUBQUERY           | film_actor |
    |  3 | SUBQUERY           | film       |
    |  4 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | actor      |

   I would be forced to assume upon seeing select 3 that select 4 is a
   subquery of it, rather than just being the next sibling in the
   enclosing scope.  If this is ever wrong, then the algorithm is wrong,
   and I don't see what could be done about it.

   UNION is a little more complicated than just "the entire scope is a
   UNION," because the UNION might itself be inside an enclosing scope
   that's only indicated by the first item inside the UNION.  There are
   only three kinds of enclosing scopes: UNION, DERIVED, and SUBQUERY.  A
   UNION can't enclose a UNION, and a DERIVED has its own "scope markers,"
   but a SUBQUERY can wholly enclose a UNION, like this strange example on
   the empty table t1:

    explain select * from t1 where not exists(
       (select t11.i from t1 t11) union (select t12.i from t1 t12));

    |   id | select_type  | table      | Extra                          |
    |    1 | PRIMARY      | t1         | const row not found            |
    |    2 | SUBQUERY     | NULL       | No tables used                 |
    |    3 | SUBQUERY     | NULL       | no matching row in const table |
    |    4 | UNION        | t12        | const row not found            |
    | NULL | UNION RESULT | <union2,4> |                                |

   The UNION's backward references might make it look like the UNION
   encloses the subquery, but studying the query makes it clear this isn't
   the case.  So when a UNION's first row says SUBQUERY, it is this
   special case.

   By the way, I don't fully understand this query plan; there are 4
   numbered SELECT in the plan, but only 3 in the query.  The parens
   around the UNIONs are meaningful.  Removing them will make the EXPLAIN
   different.  Please tell me how and why this works if you know.

   Armed with this knowledge, it's possible to use recursion to turn the
   parent-child relationship between all the rows into a tree representing
   the execution plan.

   MySQL prints the rows in execution order, even the forward and backward
   references.  At any given scope, the rows are processed as a left-deep
   tree.  MySQL does not do "bushy" execution plans.  It begins with a
   table, finds a matching row in the next table, and continues till the
   last table, when it emits a row.  When it runs out, it backtracks till
   it can find the next row and repeats.  There are subtleties of course,
   but this is the basic plan.  This is why MySQL transforms all RIGHT

   This means in any given scope, say

    | id   | select_type  | table      |
    |  1   | SIMPLE       | tbl1       |
    |  1   | SIMPLE       | tbl2       |
    |  1   | SIMPLE       | tbl3       |

   The execution plan looks like a depth-first traversal of this tree:

         /    \
       JOIN  tbl3
      /    \
    tbl1   tbl2

   The JOIN might not be a JOIN.  It might be a subquery, for example.
   This comes from the type column of EXPLAIN.  The documentation says
   this is a "join type," but I think "access type" is more accurate,
   because it's "how MySQL accesses rows."

   pt-visual-explain decorates the tree significantly more than just
   turning rows into nodes.  Each node may get a series of transformations
   that turn it into a subtree of more than one node.  For example, an
   index scan not marked with 'Using index' must do a bookmark lookup into
   the table rows; that is a three-node subtree.  However, after the above
   node-ordering and scoping stuff, the rest of the process is pretty


   This tool accepts additional command-line arguments.  Refer to the
   "SYNOPSIS" and usage information for details.

       Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL.

       short form: -A; type: string

       Default character set.  If the value is utf8, sets Perl's binmode
       on STDOUT to utf8, passes the mysql_enable_utf8 option to
       DBD::mysql, and runs SET NAMES UTF8 after connecting to MySQL.  Any
       other value sets binmode on STDOUT without the utf8 layer, and runs
       SET NAMES after connecting to MySQL.

       Assume that PRIMARY KEY index accesses don't need to do a bookmark
       lookup to retrieve rows.  This is the case for InnoDB.

       type: Array

       Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified, this
       must be the first option on the command line.

       Treat input as a query, and obtain EXPLAIN output by connecting to
       a MySQL instance and running EXPLAIN on the query.  When this
       option is given, pt-visual-explain uses the other connection-
       specific options such as "--user" to connect to the MySQL instance.
       If you have a .my.cnf file, it will read it, so you may not need to
       specify any connection-specific options.

       short form: -D; type: string

       Connect to this database.

       short form: -F; type: string

       Only read mysql options from the given file.  You must give an
       absolute pathname.

       type: string; default: tree

       Set output format.

       The default is a terse pretty-printed tree. The valid values are:

        Value  Meaning
        =====  ================================================
        tree   Pretty-printed terse tree.
        dump   Data::Dumper output (see Data::Dumper for more).

       Show help and exit.

       short form: -h; type: string

       Connect to host.

       short form: -p; type: string

       Password to use when connecting.  If password contains commas they
       must be escaped with a backslash: "exam\,ple"

       type: string

       Create the given PID file.  The tool won't start if the PID file
       already exists and the PID it contains is different than the
       current PID.  However, if the PID file exists and the PID it
       contains is no longer running, the tool will overwrite the PID file
       with the current PID.  The PID file is removed automatically when
       the tool exits.

       short form: -P; type: int

       Port number to use for connection.

       type: Array

       Set the MySQL variables in this comma-separated list of
       "variable=value" pairs.

       By default, the tool sets:


       Variables specified on the command line override these defaults.
       For example, specifying "--set-vars wait_timeout=500" overrides the
       defaultvalue of 10000.

       The tool prints a warning and continues if a variable cannot be

       short form: -S; type: string

       Socket file to use for connection.

       short form: -u; type: string

       User for login if not current user.

       Show version and exit.


   These DSN options are used to create a DSN.  Each option is given like
   "option=value".  The options are case-sensitive, so P and p are not the
   same option.  There cannot be whitespace before or after the "=" and if
   the value contains whitespace it must be quoted.  DSN options are
   comma-separated.  See the percona-toolkit manpage for full details.

   *   A

       dsn: charset; copy: yes

       Default character set.

   *   D

       dsn: database; copy: yes

       Default database.

   *   F

       dsn: mysql_read_default_file; copy: yes

       Only read default options from the given file

   *   h

       dsn: host; copy: yes

       Connect to host.

   *   p

       dsn: password; copy: yes

       Password to use when connecting.  If password contains commas they
       must be escaped with a backslash: "exam\,ple"

   *   P

       dsn: port; copy: yes

       Port number to use for connection.

   *   S

       dsn: mysql_socket; copy: yes

       Socket file to use for connection.

   *   u

       dsn: user; copy: yes

       User for login if not current user.


   The environment variable "PTDEBUG" enables verbose debugging output to
   STDERR.  To enable debugging and capture all output to a file, run the
   tool like:

      PTDEBUG=1 pt-visual-explain ... > FILE 2>&1

   Be careful: debugging output is voluminous and can generate several
   megabytes of output.


   You need Perl, DBI, DBD::mysql, and some core packages that ought to be
   installed in any reasonably new version of Perl.


   For a list of known bugs, see

   Please report bugs at <>.
   Include the following information in your bug report:

   *   Complete command-line used to run the tool

   *   Tool "--version"

   *   MySQL version of all servers involved

   *   Output from the tool including STDERR

   *   Input files (log/dump/config files, etc.)

   If possible, include debugging output by running the tool with


   Visit <> to download
   the latest release of Percona Toolkit.  Or, get the latest release from
   the command line:




   You can also get individual tools from the latest release:


   Replace "TOOL" with the name of any tool.


   Baron Schwartz


   This tool is part of Percona Toolkit, a collection of advanced command-
   line tools for MySQL developed by Percona.  Percona Toolkit was forked
   from two projects in June, 2011: Maatkit and Aspersa.  Those projects
   were created by Baron Schwartz and primarily developed by him and
   Daniel Nichter.  Visit <> to learn
   about other free, open-source software from Percona.


   This program is copyright 2011-2016 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates,
   2007-2011 Baron Schwartz.


   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
   Free Software Foundation, version 2; OR the Perl Artistic License.  On
   UNIX and similar systems, you can issue `man perlgpl' or `man
   perlartistic' to read these licenses.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
   59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.


   pt-visual-explain 2.2.20


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