



servertool − Provides an easy-to-use interface for developers to register, unregister, start up, and shut down a persistent server.


servertool −ORBInitialPort nameserverport [ options ] [ commands ]

The command-line options. See Options.


The command-line commands. See Commands.


The servertool command provides the command-line interface for developers to register, unregister, start up, and shut down a persistent server. Command-line commands let you obtain various statistical information about the server. See Commands.


-ORBInitialHost nameserverhost

This options is required. It specifies the host machine on which the name server runs and listens for incoming requests. The nameserverhost value must specify the port on which the orb is running and listening for requests. The value defaults to localhost when this option is not specified. If orbd and servertool are running on different machines, then you must specify the name or IP address of the host on which orbd is running.

Note: On Oracle Solaris, you must become a root user to start a process on a port below 1024. Oracle recommends that you use a port number above or equal to 1024 for the nameserverport value.


Passes option to the Java Virtual Machine, where option is one of the options described on the reference page for the Java application launcher. For example, -J-Xms48m sets the startup memory to 48 MB. See java-java-1.7.0-openjdk(1).


You can start the servertool command with or without a command-line command.

If you did not specify a command when you started servertool, then the command-line tool displays the servertool prompt where you can enter commands: servertool >.

If you specify a command when you start servertool, then the Java IDL Server Tool starts, executes the command, and exits.

register -server server-class-name -classpath classpath-to-server [ -applicationName application-name -args args-to-server -vmargs flags-for-JVM ]

Registers a new persistent server with the Object Request Broker Daemon (ORBD). If the server is not already registered, then it is registered and activated. This command causes an installation method to be called in the main class of the server identified by the -server option. The installation method must be public static void install(org.omg.CORBA.ORB). The install method is optional and lets developers provide their own server installation behavior, such as creating a database schema.

unregister -serverid server-id | -applicationName application-name

Unregisters a server from the ORBD with either its server ID or its application name. This command causes an uninstallation method to be called in the main class of the server identified by the -server option. The uninstall method must be public static void uninstall(org.omg.CORBA.ORB). The uninstall method is optional and lets developers provide their own server uninstallation behavior, such as undoing the behavior of the install method.

getserverid -applicationName application-name

Returns the server ID that corresponds to the application-name value.


Lists information about all persistent servers registered with the ORBD.


Lists the application names for all servers currently registered with the ORBD.


Lists information about all persistent servers that were started by the ORBD and are currently running.

locate -serverid server-id | -applicationName application-name [ -endpointType endpointType ]

Locates the endpoints (ports) of a specific type for all ORBs created by a registered server. If a server is not already running, then it is activated. If an endpointType value is not specified, then the plain/non-protected endpoint associated with each ORB in a server is returned.

locateperorb -serverid server-id | -applicationName application-name [ -orbid ORB-name ]

Locates all the endpoints (ports) registered by a specific Object Request Broker (ORB) of registered server. If a server is not already running, then it is activated. If an orbid is not specified, then the default value of "" is assigned to the orbid. If any ORBs are created with an orbid of empty string, then all ports registered by it are returned.

orblist -serverid server-id |
-applicationName application-name

Lists the ORBId of the ORBs defined on a server. An ORBId is the string name for the ORB created by the server. If the server is not already running, then it is activated.

shutdown -serverid server-id |
-applicationName application-name

Shut down an active server that is registered with ORBD. During execution of this command, the shutdown method defined in the class specified by either the -serverid or -applicationName parameter is also called to shut down the server process.

startup -serverid server-id |
-applicationName application-name

Starts up or activate a server that is registered with ORBD. If the server is not running, then this command starts the server. If the server is already running, then an error message is displayed.


Lists all the commands available to the server through the servertool command.


Exits the servertool command.




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