

   WebLogin - Central login service for the WebAuth authentication system


       use WebLogin;

       my $weblogin = WebLogin->new (PARAMS => { pages => \%pages },
                                     QUERY  => $q);


   The WebLogin module implements a CGI service using the CGI::Application
   framework that provides central login services for the WebAuth
   authentication system.  For its entry points and constructor options,
   see "Instance Script Methods" in CGI::Application.

   This module is normally only called from the login.fcgi, logout.fcgi,
   and pwchange.cgi scripts that come with WebAuth and comprise, with this
   module, the WebLogin service.  It is not currently designed to be used
   by any other scripts and does not currently have a documented API.


       Overridden CGI::Application setup function.  This is used for all
       initialization of data needed for our WebLogin object.  It sets
       various defaults, sets up our Template Toolkit options, creates
       memcached caches, and other needed setup items to prepare.

       Overridden CGI::Application function that is called before the
       processing of each individual query.  This does further setup
       that's meant to be query-specific, since we're potentially being
       wrapped up in FastCGI or other methods that will cache the WebLogin

       This includes clearing any parameters or template parameters from
       previous runs, creating fresh objects for handling current query
       and responses, and storing other query-specific data.

   krb5_escape (PRINCIPAL)
       Escape special characters in a principal name to match the escaping
       done by krb5_unparse_name.  Returns the escaped principal name.

   fix_token (TOKEN)
       Encode a token for URL usage.

   expire_cookie (NAME, SECURE)
       Create and return a CGI::Cookie object that will expire an existing
       cookie.  The cookie has the given NAME set, and includes the given
       flag as to whether or not it uses SSL.

       Uses the cookies set on the WebKDC::WebResponse object to determine
       if we have a factor token passed back from the WebKDC.  Returns 1
       if so, 0 if not.

   template_params (SETTINGS_REF)
       Interface used to wrap up and save various parameters that we are
       storing to later be used in the template files.  Takes a hashref to
       settings we wish to add/override, and returns the ending hashref of
       all current parameters.

   get_pagename (PAGETYPE)
       Takes the type of page we want, then returns the file name of the
       template that is used to display that page type.

   print_headers (ARGS_REF)
       Sets the headers for a page.  This handles setting or removing any
       cookies, then setting the headers.  If a return URL was set, add a
       redirect to that URL into the headers.

   pretty_return_uri (URI)
       Takes a URI object and uses it to create a 'pretty' return URI, one
       that's more readable by users for display on the configuration
       page.  Returns a string containing that URI.

       Parses the return URL from the web response and either sets the
       pretty URI (via petty_return_uri) or flags an error to the template
       if there was something wrong with the URL.

       Parses the token.acl file, using that to return an arrayref of the
       credentials that the requesting WAS is permitted to obtain.  This
       is used in cases where a specific WAS might have access to request
       delegated credentials.

       Checks to see if there is a login canceled token, and if so, sets
       template parameters to offer a login canceled URL with that token.

       View for the user login page.  This is the view that allows a user
       to attempt to login, offering fields for username and password,
       possibly a URL for remote user authentication, and any errors from
       previous failed logins.

       View for the generic error page.  This will pass along any
       previously set error types for the template, and make sure that the
       error page itself isn't cached.

       View for a fatal error.  This is something normally only used on an
       error to print out a template, meant as an emergency fallback to
       display something when things are very messed up.

       View for the confirmation page post-login.  This potentially
       includes a password expiration warning, a warning for expiring
       device factor cookies, and a notice for delegated credentials.  If
       none of those are set, then we may (on WebKDC::Config settings)
       bypass the confirmation page entirely and just send a redirect to
       the login destination.

       View to redisplay the confirmation page after a change in the
       REMOTE_USER cookie.  This is a much more simple version of
       print_confirm_page, as it doesn't have to do most of the checking
       for warnings and whether or not to bypass the page.

       View to print out the password change page.  Pass along any needed
       user information, such as their login information and any change
       password token.

       View to print out a confirmation after a successful password
       change.  This is only accessed when the user is going to the
       password change page via the URL just for that, rather than as a
       part of the normal login flow.

       View to print out a page prompting the user to enter their
       multifactor one-time password.  We pass along user information, the
       factors needed for login, and the factors the user has.

       Redirect a user to the REMOTE_USER enabled login URL.  This passes
       the request token and service token on to the URL, then returns it
       as a redirect page for CGI::Application to print.

   add_generic_proxy_token (ARGS_REFERENCE)
       Create and add a generic token to the set of tokens passed to the
       WebKDC via the web request.  Read the ARGS_REFERENCE for any non-
       default arguments we wish to create the proxy token with, then
       create a new WebAuth::Token::WebKDCProxy object.  Encode it with
       the keyring and add it to the proxy cookies on the web request.

       Create a proxy token using forwarded Kerberos credentials and pass
       into the web request.

       Create a proxy token with the REMOTE_USER identity and pass into
       the web request.  This does validation against the REMOTE_USER
       setting, then passes along to add_generic_proxy_token if it passes
       our requirements.

       Create a kadmin/changepw token using the username and password of a
       user after successful login.  This will create a ticket, put it
       into a WebAuth::Token::Cred object, and use the keyring to encode
       it.  The token is passed back as the CPT parameter on the WebLogin
       object.  Returns 1 on success.

       Attempt to change a user's password using a previously created
       change password token.  Validate that the token is correct for the
       given user, then attempt to change the user's password, returning a
       status and any exception objects that may have been created during

       Tests to make sure that cookies are enabled in the user's browser.
       If a test cookie is not set, we reload the page with an attempt to
       set that cookie and a flag showing that we're making the attempt.
       If we find the flag set and no cookie, then the user does not have
       cookies set, and we display an error page.

       Tests to make sure that if a password was sent, the request method
       was POST.  This is done in order to avoid the password potentially
       showing up in referrer strings sent to a remote site.  If the
       method was not POST, we display an error page.

       Tests to make sure that we have a request token and service token
       defined in the submitted CGI query.  If not, we will display an
       error page.

       Tests the requirements for a password change request page to be
       successfully entered.  This does not actually try to change the
       password or check that it is successful, but only checks to make
       sure that the user has entered all of the needed data.  If not, we
       will display the password change page again, with error flags for
       the missing or incorrect fields.

   is_replay (RT)
       Checks against memcached to see if the given request token has been
       recently used, in order to detect a replay attack.  Returns 1 if
       the request token was found.

   is_rate_limited (USERNAME)
       Checks against memcached to see if the given user has exceeded a
       certain number of failed logins.  Returns 1 if the user has
       exceeded the number (set in WebKDC::Config).

   register_auth (RT, USERNAME)
       Registers a successful authentication for the given user in
       memcached, with the request token for the authentication.  This is
       used to detect replay attacks.

   register_auth_fail (USERNAME)
       Registers a failed authentication for the given user in memcached.
       This is used for rate limiting users on failed logins.

   setup_kdc_request (COOKIES)
       Takes the WebKDC::WebRequest object already created, and fills that
       object with data from the user/browser.  This includes current
       cookies passed to us, and also any relevant data sent via the CGI
       query.  The latter can include username and password, for two

       Returns the status from the request.  This is usually WK_SUCCESS as
       we are not actually contacting the WebKDC at this point, but can be
       error statuses in cases such as the user not filling in their
       username, or if replay or rate limited checks were triggered.

   handle_login_error (STATUS, ERROR)
       This is a catch-all handler for any error during the normal user
       login process.  This uses the given error status to decide what
       needs to be done to handle this error case, often simply printing
       out a screen to request additional information or the user to re-
       enter correct information.  In some cases, this will have to throw
       up an unrecoverable error page that the user can do nothing with.

       The default run mode, handling the basic attempt to log in, whether
       via plain username and password, SPNEGO, or other method.

       This is called if no other run mode is set by the main login URL,
       or on any regular failure to successfully log in (such as invalid

       Run mode to handle a request by the user to log out, blowing away
       all proxy cookies.

       This is only called via the logout URL.

       Run mode to handle an attempt by the user to change their current
       password.  This handles the attempt to change the user password,
       either passing the user on to the confirmation page or bringing the
       user back to this page on a problem with changing the password.

       This is called by either the user clicking a link from the confirm
       page warning that their password is soon to expire, or by the user
       being forced to here after logging in with an expired password.

       Run mode to handle a direct access to the password change display

       This is called only by the user visiting the password change URL
       from outside the normal program flow.

       Run mode to handle an attempted multifactor login.  The username
       and one-time password are passed to the WebKDC in order to validate
       whether or not there was a successful login, and the user is then
       sent to either the confirm page on success, or the multifactor page
       again on failure.

       This is called from the multifactor entry screen, when the user
       submits their one-time password.

       Run mode to handle the request from a user to send a multifactor
       authentication token somewhere via a remctl command.  The command
       itself is configured in WebKDC::Config.  The normal case would be
       sending out a OTP over SMS to a user.

       This is called from the multifactor entry screen, in the case of a
       user having a multifactor method that requires the user be sent a

       Run mode to handle the request from a user to change their
       authorization identity.

       This is called from the config screen.

       Run mode to handle the request from a user to change their
       REMOTE_USER setting.

       This is called from the config screen.


   Roland Schemers, Russ Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org>, and Jon Robertson


   WebAuth(3), WebKDC(3), WebKDC::Config(3)

   This module is part of WebAuth.  The current version is available from


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