Chapter 17

Numbers Chapter 17
World English Bible Scriptures

Numbers 17:1

the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

Numbers 17:2

"Speak to the children of Israel, and take of them rods, one for each fathers' house, of all their princes according to their fathers' houses, twelve rods: write every man's name on his rod.

Numbers 17:3

You shall write Aaron's name on the rod of Levi; for there shall be one rod for each head of their fathers' houses.

Numbers 17:4

You shall lay them up in the Tent of Meeting before the testimony, where I meet with you.

Numbers 17:5

It shall happen, that the rod of the man whom I shall choose shall bud: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they murmur against you."

Numbers 17:6

Moses spoke to the children of Israel; and all their princes gave him rods, for each prince one, according to their fathers' houses, even twelve rods: and the rod of Aaron was among their rods.

Numbers 17:7

Moses laid up the rods before the LORD in the tent of the testimony.

Numbers 17:8

It happened on the next day, that Moses went into the tent of the testimony; and behold, the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was budded, and put forth buds, and produced blossoms, and bore ripe almonds.

Numbers 17:9

Moses brought out all the rods from before the LORD to all the children of Israel: and they looked, and took every man his rod.

Numbers 17:10

the LORD said to Moses, "Put back the rod of Aaron before the testimony, to be kept for a token against the children of rebellion; that you may make an end of their murmurings against me, that they not die."

Numbers 17:11

Moses did so. As the LORD commanded him, so he did.

Numbers 17:12

The children of Israel spoke to Moses, saying, "Behold, we perish! We are undone! We are all undone!

Numbers 17:13

Everyone who comes near, who comes near to the tabernacle of the LORD, dies! Will we all perish?"

Numbers Chapter 17 (web)

Christian Literature

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