The Complete Sayings of Jesus by Arthur Hinds (kjv)

The Complete Sayings of Jesus

by Arthur Hinds


PRODUCTION NOTES: In this etext, Jesus' words are highlighted in blue, slightly larger text. The date and age information was extracted from the copytext page headers and moved into the file title area in the online edition.

Title Page
Reminder by the Publisher
The Compiler's Purpose
Introduction by Norman Vincent Peale
I. Lineage of Jesus—Born In Bethlehem
II. The Escape From Herod—Again In Galilee At Nazareth
III. The Boy Jesus
IV. Jesus At Thirty—Baptized By John
V. Christ's Long Fast in the Wilderness—Satan's Futile Wiles
VI. John Answers the Priests
VII. Jesus’ Mother and the Water Changed to Wine
VIII. Nighttime Visit of Nicodemus—Christ Enlightens Him
IX. John Extols Jesus
X. Christ in Cana Cures Nobleman's Son at Capernaum
XI. At The Pool of Bethesda
XII. Christ Reads in Synagogue at Nazareth
XIII. By the Sea
XIV. The Sermon on the Mount
XV. The Sermon on the Mount (Continued)
XVI. The Sermon on the Mount (Concluded)
XVII. A Leper Cleansed
XVIII. Matthew (Levi) Called
XIX. In the Cornfield on the Sabbath
XX. The Twelve by Name—The Sermon in the Plain
XXI. The Sermon in the Plain (Concluded)
XXII. The Centurion's Servant Healed
XXIII. John, From Prison, Sends Messengers
XXIV. Woe Unto Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum
XXV. The Woman With the Alabaster Box
XXVI. The Man Blind, Mute, And Bedeviled
XXVII. Doubters Seek a Sign
XXVIII. His Mother and Brethren Would Speak With Jesus
XXIX. Parables: The Mustard Seed, the Leaven, the Merchantman, the Net
XXX. The Madman and the Swine
XXXI. Jairus’ Daughter Healed
XXXII. Home Again: A Prophet Without Honor
XXXIII. Herod Desires To See Christ
XXXIV. Five Thousand Fed
XXXV. Jesus Would Not Be Made King
XXXVI. “I Am The Bread Of Life”
XXXVII. Pharisees Querulous
XXXVIII. The Woman of Canaan
XXXIX. “Seven Loaves and a Few Little Fishes”
XL. “Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church”
XLI. The Transfiguration
XLII. Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection
XLIII. John Answered: “Forbid Him Not”
XLIV. “Except Ye Become As Little Children”
XLV. At the Feast of the Tabernacle
XLVI. The Woman Taken In Adultery
XLVII. “I Am the Light of the World”
XLVIII. “Hath Not Where To Lay His Head”
XLIV. The Good Samaritan
L. The Lord's Prayer
LI. Sermon to the Innumerable Multitude
LII. Sermon to the Innumerable Multitude (cont.)
LIII. Sabbath Cure of Crippled Woman
LIV. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem!”
LV. Sermon in Parables
LVI. Sermon In Parables (Continued): The Prodigal Son
LVII. Sermon In Parables (cont.): “Ye Cannot Serve God and Mammon”
LVIII. Sermon In Parables (Concluded): “I Am the Resurrection”
LIX. “The Kingdom of God Is Within You”
LX. “Easier For a Camel to Go Through the Eye of a Needle”
LXI. Divorce Denounced
LXII. “Drink Indeed of My Cup”
LXIII. Sight Restored to Two Blind Beggars
LXIV. Jesus Goes to Jerusalem
LXV. The Fig Tree Withered
LXVI. Christ's Authority Challenged
LXVII. “Many Are Called”—“Render unto Cesar”
LXVIII. The First Great Commandment: and the Second
LXIX. “Woe Unto You, Scribes and Pharisees!”
LXX. “Now Is My Soul Troubled”
LXXI. The Temple Doomed
LXXII. “My Words Shall Not Pass Away”—Wise and Foolish Virgins.
LXXIII. Parable of the Talents
LXXIV. “Me Ye Have Not Always”
LXXV. The Thirty Pieces of Silver
LXXVI. The Last Supper—“Do This In Remembrance of Me”
LXXVII. Last Supper (cont.) “I Am The Way, The Truth, The Life”
LXXVIII. Last Supper (cont.) “Greater Love Hath No Man Than This”
LXXIX. Last Supper (cont.) “Be of Good Cheer, I Have Overcome the World”
LXXX. Last Supper (cont.) “I Have Finished the Work”
LXXXI. In Gethsemane
LXXXII. The Betrayal: Judas’ Kiss
LXXXIII. Christ's Trial
LXXXIV. Christ Before Pilate—“Crucify Him”
LXXXV. The Crucifixion—“Father, Forgive Them”
LXXXVI. “It Is Finished”
LXXXVII. Laid in the Tomb
LXXXVIII. The Resurrection
XC. At The Sea of Tiberias
XCI. The Ascension—“Go Ye and Preach the Gospel to Every Creature”
XCII. Apostles’ Question Answered—Saul's Conversion
XCIII. The Lord to Paul in a Vision—“I Am With Thee”

Appendix: Paul's Witness

XCIV. Paul at Cesarea and Jerusalem
XCV. The Revelation
XCVI. To The Church of Ephesus—“I Will Give to Eat of the Tree of Life”
XCVII. To the Church in Smyrna—“Be Thou Faithful Unto Death”
XCVIII. To the Church in Pergamos—“Repent, Or Else I Will Come Quickly”
XCIX. To the Church in Thyatira—“I Will Give Unto Every One of You According to His Works”
C. To the Church in Sardis—“Be Watchful: I Will Come As a Thief”
CI. To the Church in Philadelphia—“I Have Set Before Thee an Open Door”
CII. To The Church Of The Laodiceans—“I Stand At The Door, And Knock”
CIII. “I am Alpha and Omega”

Complete Sayings of Jesus

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New Testament

Old Testament

Bible Verses About Love

Let us love one another, for love comes from God and every one who loves is a child of God and knows God. He who loves not man does not know God, for God is love. God showed his love for us, for he sent his only Son into the world that through him we might have life. Love the stranger.

In Mark 12:30 Jesus said; And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this [is] the first commandment.

And the second Mark 12:31 [is] like, [namely] this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.