

   mdoc - Mono Documentation XML Format


   The  assorted  Mono  documentation  programs generate or manipulate XML
   files following the mono documentation schema:

   mdoc update
          Creates  or  updates  mono  documentation  XML  for  a  set   of

   mdoc validate
          Validates   the   mono   documentation   XML  against  the  mono
          documentation XML schema.

   mdoc assemble
          Converts the mono documentation XML within a directory structure
          into a set of files for use with monodoc(1).

   mdoc export-html
          Converts the mono documentation XML within a directory structure
          into a set of HTML files that can be viewed with a web browser.

   All of these tools (and more) use the common XML  schema  described  in
   this man page.


   There are three sets of Mono documentation XML files:

   *      index.xml:   contains  a  list  of  all  assemblies  within  the
          containing directory, and all types and namespaces within  those

   *      ns-*.xml:  There  is one ns-*.xml file for each namespace within
          the assembly; these files are siblings to index.xml .

          Examples  of  ns-*.xml   files   include:   ns-System.xml,   ns-
          System.Collections.xml,  and  ns-.xml  (for  the root namespace,
          though it is recommended  to  NOT  place  types  into  the  root
          namespace, as monodoc(1) doesn't display them).

          The ns-*.xml files contain per-namespace documentation.

   *      NamespaceName/TypeName.xml:  These  files  are  within  a dotted
          NamespaceName directory, and TypeName is the name of the type.

          Examples include: RootType.xml (if the type has  no  namespace),
          System/String.xml,    System.Collections/IEnumerable.xml,    and
          System.Collections.Generic/List`1+Enumerator.xml (the `1 is  the
          number   of  generic  type  parameters  the  type  accepts,  and
          everything after the + is a nested type).

   Thus, typical directory contents would resemble:



   index.xml File Format
   The index.xml file contains a list of the assemblies nested  under  the
   directory  containing  index.xml  and  all  namespaces and types within
   those assemblies.  It looks something like this:

           <Assembly Name="mscorlib" Version="" />
           <!-- other <Assembly/> elements... -->
         <Remarks>To be added.</Remarks>
         <Copyright>To be added.</Copyright>
           <Namespace Name="System">
             <Type Name="String" />
             <!-- Other <Type/> elements -->
           <Namespace Name="System.Collections.Generic">
             <Type Name="List`1" DisplayName="List&lt;T&gt;" />
             <!-- Other <Type/> elements -->
           <!-- other <Namespace/> elements -->

   Most  of  this  is  maintained   automatically,   in   particular   the
   /Overview/Assemblies and /Overview/Types elements.

   The  //Namespace/@Name  attribute  corresponds  to  a  directory  which
   contains files named //Type/@Name.xml,  while  the  //Type/@DisplayName
   attribute  contains a C# type name (if //Type/@DisplayName isn't found,
   then //Type/@Name is used as the display name).  There should also be a
   ns-[//Namespace/@Name].xml file.

   There  are  three  elements  of interest to authors: /Overview/Remarks,
   /Overview/Copyright, and /Overview/Title, which contain  assembly-level
   documentation.   These  elements  can  contain any of the following XML
   elements (documented in the Documentation XML Elements section): block,
   code, example, list, para, paramref, typeparamref, see, and ul.

   ns-*.xml File Format
   The ns-*.xml files contain namespace documentation:

       <Namespace Name="System">
           <summary>To be added.</summary>
           <remarks>To be added.</remarks>

   The /Namespace/Docs/summary and /Namespace/Docs/remarks elements should
   contain namespace documentation.

   The remarks and summary elements are documented  in  the  Documentation
   XML Elements section.

   NamespaceName/TypeName.xml File Format
   The  mono  documentation  format  is  similar to the Ecma documentation
   format, as described in ECMA-335 3rd Edition, Partition IV, Chapter  7.
   The  principal  difference  from the ECMA format is that each type gets
   its own file, within a directory identical  to  the  namespace  of  the
   type.   There  is a lot of information that is maintained automatically
   by mdoc(1); Most of the information within the documentation should not
   be  edited.  This includes the type name (/Type/@FullName), implemented
   interfaces        (/Type/Interfaces),        member         information
   /Type/Members/Member/MemberSignature,  /Type/Members/Member/MemberType,
   /Type/Members/Member/Parameters, etc.).

       <Type Name="DocAttribute" FullName="Mono.DocTest.DocAttribute">
         <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class DocAttribute : Attribute" />
         <Interfaces />
           <summary>To be added.</summary>
           <remarks>To be added.</remarks>
           <Member MemberName=".ctor">
             <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public DocAttribute (string docs);" />
               <Parameter Name="docs" Type="System.String" />
               <param name="docs">To be added.</param>
               <summary>To be added.</summary>
               <remarks>To be added.</remarks>

   The  only  elements that normally need to be edited are children of the
   //Docs elements, which usually contain  the  text  To  be  added.   The
   /Type/Docs   element   contains  type-level  documentation,  while  the
   /Type/Members/Member/Docs element contains per-member documentation.

   The //Docs elements can contain the following  elements:  altcompliant,
   altmember,  example,  exception,  param,  permission, remarks, returns,
   since, summary, threadsafe, typeparam, and value.

   Nested types are not members; they are types,  and  are  documented  in
   their own file.  Consequently, the NamespaceName/TypeName.xml files are
   not recursive; you do not store a  <Type/>  element  within  a  <Type/>

   Documentation XML Elements
   The  contents  of  the  Docs  element  is  identical  in  semantics and
   structure to the inline C# documentation format,  consisting  of  these
   elements  (listed  in  ECMA-334  3rd Edition, Annex E, Section 2).  The
   following are used within the element descriptions:

   CREF   Refers to a class (or member) reference, and is a string in  the
          format described below in the CREF FORMAT section.

   TEXT   Non-XML text, and XML should not be nested.

   XML    Only XML elements should be nested (which indirectly may contain
          text), but non-whitespace text should not be an immediate  child

          Free-form  text  and  XML,  so  that  other  XML elements may be

   The following elements are used in documentation:

   <altmember cref="CREF" />
          <altmember/> is  a  top-level  element,  and  should  be  nested
          directly under the <Docs/> element.

          Allows  an  entry to be generated for the See Also section.  Use
          <see/> to specify a link from within text.

              <altmember cref="P:System.Exception.Message" />

   <block subset="SUBSET" type="TYPE">XML_TEXT</block>
          Create a block of text, similar in concept to a  paragraph,  but
          is  used to create divisions within the text.  To some extent, a
          <block/> is equivalent to the HTML <h2/> tag.

          SUBSET should always be the value "none".

          TYPE specifies the heading and formatting  to  use.   Recognized
          types are:

          behaviors Creates a section with the heading Operation.

          note Creates a section with the heading Note:.

          overrides Creates a section with the heading Note to Inheritors.

          usage Creates a section with the heading Usage.

          The  block element can contain the following elements: block, c,
          code,  list,  para,   paramref,   see,   subscript,   sup,   and

          Set  text  in  a  code-like  font  (similar  to  the  HTML <tt/>

          The c element can contain the following  elements:  code,  para,
          paramref, see, and typeparamref.

   <code lang="LANGUAGE" src="SOURCE">TEXT</code>
          Display  multiple  lines of text in a code-like font (similar to
          the HTML <pre/> element).

          LANGUAGE is the language this code block is for.   For  example,
          if  LANGUAGE  is  C#, then TEXT will get syntax highlighting for
          the C# language within the Mono Documentation Browser.

          SOURCE is  only  interpreted  by  mdoc-update(1).   If  the  src
          attribute  is present when mdoc-update(1) is run, then SOURCE is
          a file  (relative  to  mdoc-update(1)'s  --out  directory)  that
          should  be inserted as the value for TEXT.  The contents of TEXT
          will  be  ignored  by  mdoc-update(1)  and  replaced  on   every
          invocation.    SOURCE   can   also  contain  an  "anchor",  e.g.
          src="path/to/file.cs#RegionMarker".  If an  anchor  is  present,
          and  LANGUAGE  is C#, then #region RegionMarker will be searched
          for, and the contents between  the  #region  and  the  following
          #endregion will be inserted as the value for TEXT element.

          Indicates  an  example  that should be displayed specially.  For

                <para>An introductory paragraph.</para>
                <code lang="C#">
                  class Example {
                    public static void Main ()
                      System.Console.WriteLine ("Hello, World!");

          The example element can contain the following elements: c, code,
          list, para, and see.

   <exception cref="CREF">XML_TEXT</exception>
          Identifies  an  exception  that  can be thrown by the documented

          <exception/> is  a  top-level  element,  and  should  be  nested
          directly under the <Docs/> element.

          CREF  is  the  exception  type  that  is  thrown, while XML_TEXT
          contains the circumstances that would cause CREF to be thrown.

              <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
                <paramref name="foo" /> was <see langword="null" />.

          The exception element can contain the following elements: block,
          para, paramref, see, and typeparamref.

   <format type="TYPE">XML_TEXT</format>
          The  <format/>  element  is  an  "escape  hatch,"  for including
          (possibly XML) content that is not valid mdoc(5) content.   It's
          the moral equivalent of perlpod(1) =begin format blocks.

          TYPE  is the mime type of XML_TEXT.  mdoc(5) processors may skip
          format/> blocks of they use a type that isn't supported.

          For example:

              <format type="text/html">
                <table width="100%">
                  <tr><td style="color:red">Hello, world!</td></tr>

          would cause the embedded HTML <table/> element  to  be  inserted
          inline into the resulting HTML document when mdoc-export-html(1)
          processes the file.  (Likewise, it may be skipped  if  processed
          by another program.)

          format/>  is  intended  to simplify importing documentation from
          existing documentation sources.  It should not be  relied  upon,
          if at all possible.

          Create  a  list  or table of items.  <list/> makes use of nested
          <item>XML</item>,                  <listheader>XML</listheader>,
          <term>XML_TEXT</term>,  and  <description>XML_TEXT</description>

          Lists have the syntax:

              <list type="bullet"> <!-- or type="number" -->
                <item><term>Bullet 1</term></item>
                <item><term>Bullet 2</term></item>
                <item><term>Bullet 3</term></item>

          Tables have the syntax:

              <list type="table">
                <listheader> <!-- listheader bolds this row -->
                  <term>Column 1</term>
                  <description>Column 2</description>
                  <description>Column 3</description>
                  <term>Item 1-A</term>
                  <description>Item 1-B</description>
                  <description>Item 1-C</description>
                  <term>Item 2-A</term>
                  <description>Item 2-B</description>
                  <description>Item 2-C</description>

          The item and description elements can each contain text and  the
          following  elements:  block,  c,  para,  paramref, see, sup, and

          Insert a paragraph of XML_TEXT.  For example,

                This is a paragraph of text.

          The para element can contain the following elements:  block,  c,
          example,  link,  list,  onequarter,  paramref,  see,  sub,  sup,
          typeparamref, and ul.

   <param name="NAME">XML_TEXT</param>
          <param/> is a top-level element, and should be  nested  directly
          under the <Docs/> element.

          Describes the parameter NAME of the current constructor, method,
          or property:

              <param name="count">
                A <see cref="T:System.Int32" /> containing the number
                of widgets to process.

          The param element can contain the following elements: block,  c,
          example, para, paramref, see, and typeparamref.

   <paramref name="NAME" />
          Indicates that NAME is a parameter.

          This  usually  renders  NAME as italic text, so it is frequently
          (ab)used as an equivalent to the HTML  <i/>  element.   See  the
          <exception/> documentation (above) for an example.

   <permission cref="CREF">XML_TEXT</permission>
          Documents the security accessibility requirements of the current

          <permission/> is a  top-level  element,  and  should  be  nested
          directly under the <Docs/> element.

          CREF  is  a  type reference to the security permission required,
          while XML_TEXT  is  a  description  of  why  the  permission  is

              <permission cref="T:System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission">
                Requires permission for reading and writing files. See
                <see cref="F:System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess.Read" />,
                <see cref="F:System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess.Write" />.

          The  permission  element  can  contain  the  following elements:
          block, para, paramref, see, and typeparamref.

          Contains detailed information about a member.

          <remarks/> is a top-level element, and should be nested directly
          under the <Docs/> element.

                Insert detailed information here.

          The  remarks  element can contain the following elements: block,
          c, code, example, list, para, paramref, see, and typeparamref.


          <returns/> is a top-level element, and should be nested directly
          under the <Docs/> element.

          Describes the return value of a method:

                A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> specifying whether
                or not the process can access
                <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.

          The  returns  element  can  contain  the  following elements: c,
          format, list, para, paramref, see, and typeparamref.

   <see cref="CREF" />, <see langword="LANGWORD" />
          Creates a link to the specified member within the current text:

              <see cref="M:Some.Namespace.With.Type.Method" />

          or specifies that LANGWORD is a language keyword:

              <see langword="null" />

   <seealso cref="CREF" />
          Do not use seealso, use altmember.

   <since version="VERSION" />

          <since/> is a top-level element, and should be  nested  directly
          under the <Docs/> element.

          Permits  specification of which version introduced the specified
          type or member.

              <since version="Gtk# 2.4" />

          This      generally      isn't      required,       as       the
          //AssemblyInfo/AssemblyVersion  elements  track  which  assembly
          versions contain type or member.


          <summary/> is a top-level element, and should be nested directly
          under the <Docs/> element.

          Provides a (brief!) overview about a type or type member.

          This  is  usually  displayed as part of a class declaration, and
          should be a reasonably short  description  of  the  type/member.
          Use <remarks/> for more detailed information.

          The  summary  element can contain the following elements: block,
          list, para, paramref, see, and typeparamref.

   <typeparam name="NAME">XML_TEXT</typeparam>
          <typeparam/> is  a  top-level  element,  and  should  be  nested
          directly under the <Docs/> element.

          This  is used to document a type parameter for a generic type or
          generic method.

          NAME is the name of the type parameter, while XML_TEXT  contains
          a  description  of  the  parameter  (what  it's  used  for, what
          restrictions it must meet, etc.).

              <typeparam name="T">
                The type of the underlying collection

          The typeparam element can contain the following elements: block,
          c, para, paramref, see, and typeparamref.

   <typeparamref name="NAME">
          Used to indicate that NAME is a type parameter.

          <value/>  is  a top-level element, and should be nested directly
          under the <Docs/> element.

          Allows a property to be described.

                A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing a widget name.

          The value element can contain the following elements: block,  c,
          example, list, para, paramref, see, and typeparamref.


   String  IDs  (CREFs)  are  used to refer to a type or member of a type.
   String IDs are documented in ECMA-334 3rd Edition, Annex  E.3.1.   They
   consist  of a member type prefix, the full type name (namespace + name,
   separated by .),  possibly  followed  by  the  member  name  and  other

   Member type prefixes:

   C:     The CREF refers to a constructor.  The (optional) parameter list
          is  enclosed  in  parenthesis  and  follows   the   type   name:

   E:     The  CREF  refers  to an event.  The event name follows the type
          name: E:System.AppDomain.AssemblyLoad.

   F:     The CREF refers to a field.  The field  name  follows  the  type

   M:     Refers  to  a  constructor  or  method.  Constructors may append
          .ctor  to  the  type  name  (instead  of  using  the  above   C:
          constructor format), while methods append the method name and an
          (optional) count of the  number  of  generic  parameters.   Both
          constructors  and  methods  may append the method parameter list
          enclosed in parenthesis.

          Examples:                                 M:System.Object..ctor,

   N:     Refers to a namespace, e.g. N:System.

   P:     Refers  to  a  property.  If the property is an indexer or takes
          parameters, the parameter types are  appended  to  the  property
          name  and  enclosed  with  paranthesis:  P:System.String.Length,

   T:     The CREF refers to a type, with  the  number  of  generic  types
          appended:  T:System.String, T:System.Collections.Generic.List`1,

   To make matters more interesting, generic  types  &  members  have  two
   representations:   the  "unbound"  representation  (shown  in  examples
   above), in which class names  have  the  count  of  generic  parameters
   appended  to  their  name.   There is also a "bound" representation, in
   which the binding of generic parameters is listed within '{' and '}' or
   '<'  and  '>'.   (Use  of  '<' and '>' is less common, as within an XML
   document their escaped character entities must instead be used, leading
   to '&lt;' and '&gt;'.)


   *      T:System.Collections.Generic.List`1

   *      T:System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2


   *      T:System.Collections.Generic.List{System.Int32}

   *      T:System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Int32>

   *      T:System.Collections.Generic.List&lt;System.Int32&gt;

   *      T:System.Predicate{System.Action{System.String}}

   As  you  can  see, bound variants can be arbitrarily complex (just like

   Furthermore, if a generic parameter is bound to the  generic  parameter
   of a type or method, the "index" of the type/method's generic parameter
   is used as the binding, so given

       class FooType {
         public static void Foo<T> (System.Predicate<T> predicate)

   The CREF for this  method  is  M:FooType.Foo``1(System.Predicate{``0}),
   ``0   is   the   0th   generic   parameter  index  which  is  bound  to


   mdoc(1), monodocer(1)


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