

   OverrideShell  --- The OverrideShell widget class "OverrideShell" "widget
   class" "OverrideShell"


   #include <Xm/Xm.h>
   #include <X11/Shell.h>


   OverrideShell is used for shell  windows  that  completely  bypass  the
   window manager, for example, PopupMenu shells.

   OverrideShell inherits behavior and resources from Core, Composite, and

   The class pointer is overrideShellWidgetClass.

   The class name is OverrideShell.

   New Resources
   OverrideShell   defines   no   new   resources,   but   overrides   the
   XmNoverrideRedirect and XmNsaveUnder resources in the Shell class.

   Inherited Resources
   OverrideShell  inherits  behavior  and  resources  from  the  following
   superclasses. For a complete description of each resource, refer to the
   reference page for that superclass.

   The  following  table  defines  a  set  of widget resources used by the
   programmer to specify data. The programmer can also  set  the  resource
   values  for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget. To
   reference a resource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults  file,  remove
   the  XmN or XmC prefix and use the remaining letters. To specify one of
   the defined values for a resource in a .Xdefaults file, remove  the  Xm
   prefix and use the remaining letters (in either lowercase or uppercase,
   but include any underscores between words).  The codes  in  the  access
   column  indicate if the given resource can be set at creation time (C),
   set by using XtSetValues (S), retrieved by using XtGetValues (G), or is
   not applicable (N/A).

                                           Shell Resource Set                                        
   Name                     Class                    Type                    Default         Access 
   XmNallowShellResize      XmCAllowShellResize      Boolean                 False           CG     
   XmNcreatePopupChildProc  XmCCreatePopupChildProc  XtCreatePopupChildProc  NULL            CSG    
   XmNgeometry              XmCGeometry              String                  NULL            CSG    
   XmNoverrideRedirect      XmCOverrideRedirect      Boolean                 True            CSG    
   XmNpopdownCallback       XmCCallback              XtCallbackList          NULL            C      
   XmNpopupCallback         XmCCallback              XtCallbackList          NULL            C      
   XmNsaveUnder             XmCSaveUnder             Boolean                 True            CSG    
   XmNvisual                XmCVisual                Visual *                CopyFromParent  CSG    
                          Composite Resource Set                       
   Name               Class              Type         Default  Access 
   XmNchildren        XmCReadOnly        WidgetList   NULL     G      
   XmNinsertPosition  XmCInsertPosition  XtOrderProc  NULL     CSG    
   XmNnumChildren     XmCReadOnly        Cardinal     0        G      
                                                Core Resource Set                                              
   Name                           Class                          Type            Default               Access 
   XmNaccelerators                XmCAccelerators                XtAccelerators  dynamic               CSG    
   XmNancestorSensitive           XmCSensitive                   Boolean         dynamic               G      
   XmNbackground                  XmCBackground                  Pixel           dynamic               CSG    
   XmNbackgroundPixmap            XmCPixmap                      Pixmap          XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP  CSG    
   XmNborderColor                 XmCBorderColor                 Pixel           XtDefaultForeground   CSG    
   XmNborderPixmap                XmCPixmap                      Pixmap          XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP  CSG    
   XmNborderWidth                 XmCBorderWidth                 Dimension       0                     CSG    
   XmNcolormap                    XmCColormap                    Colormap        dynamic               CG     
   XmNdepth                       XmCDepth                       int             dynamic               CG     
   XmNdestroyCallback             XmCCallback                    XtCallbackList  NULL                  C      
   XmNheight                      XmCHeight                      Dimension       dynamic               CSG    
   XmNinitialResourcesPersistent  XmCInitialResourcesPersistent  Boolean         True                  C      
   XmNmappedWhenManaged           XmCMappedWhenManaged           Boolean         True                  CSG    
   XmNscreen                      XmCScreen                      Screen *        dynamic               CG     
   XmNsensitive                   XmCSensitive                   Boolean         True                  CSG    
   XmNtranslations                XmCTranslations                XtTranslations  dynamic               CSG    
   XmNwidth                       XmCWidth                       Dimension       dynamic               CSG    
   XmNx                           XmCPosition                    Position        0                     CSG    
   XmNy                           XmCPosition                    Position        0                     CSG    
   There are no translations for OverrideShell.


   Composite(3), Core(3), and Shell(3).



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