Judges 8:7

Then Gideon said, Because of this, when the Lord has given Zebah and Zalmunna into my hands, I will have you stretched on a bed of thorns of the waste land and on sharp stems, and have you crushed as grain is crushed on a grain-floor.

Judges 8:16

Then he took the responsible men of the town and had them crushed on a bed of thorns and sharp stems.

Judges 9:14

Then all the trees said to the thorn, You come and be king over us.

Judges 9:15

And the thorn said to the trees, If it is truly your desire to make me your king, then come and put your faith in my shade; and if not, may fire come out of the thorn, burning up the cedars of Lebanon.

1-Samuel 2:1

And Hannah, in prayer before the Lord, said, My heart is glad in the Lord, my horn is lifted up in the Lord: my mouth is open wide over my haters; because my joy is in your salvation.

1-Samuel 2:10

Those who make war against the Lord will be broken; against them he will send his thunder from heaven: the Lord will be judge of the ends of the earth, he will give strength to his king, lifting up the horn of him on whom the holy oil has been put.

1-Samuel 13:3

And Jonathan made an attack on the armed force of the Philistines stationed at Gibeah; and news was given to the philistines that the Hebrews were turned against them. And Saul had a horn sounded through all the land,

2-Samuel 2:28

So Joab had a horn sounded, and all the people came to a stop, and gave up going after Israel and fighting them.

2-Samuel 6:15

So David and all the men of Israel took up the ark of the Lord with cries of joy and sounding of horns.

2-Samuel 15:10

But Absalom at the same time sent watchers through all the tribes of Israel to say, At the sound of the horn you are to say, Absalom is king in Hebron.

2-Samuel 18:16

And Joab had the horn sounded, and the people came back from going after Israel, for Joab kept them back.

2-Samuel 20:1

Now by chance there was present a good-for-nothing person named Sheba, the son of Bichri, a Benjamite: and he, sounding the horn, said, We have no part in David, or any interest in the son of Jesse: let every man go to his tent, O Israel.

2-Samuel 20:22

Then the woman in her wisdom had talk with all the town. And they had Sheba's head cut off and sent out to Joab. And he had the horn sounded, and sent them all away from the town, every man to his tent. And Joab went back to Jerusalem to the king.

2-Samuel 22:3

My God, my Rock, in him will I put my faith; my breastplate, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my safe place; my saviour, who keeps me safe from the violent man.

2-Samuel 23:6

But the evil-doers, all of them, will be like thorns to be pushed away, because they may not be gripped in the hand:

1-Kings 1:34

And there let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet put the holy oil on him to make him king over Israel; and sounding the horn say, Long life to King Solomon!

1-Kings 1:39

And Zadok the priest took the vessel of oil out of the Tent, and put the holy oil on Solomon. And when the horn was sounded, all the people said, Long life to King Solomon!

1-Kings 1:41

And it came to the ears of Adonijah and all the guests who were with him, when their meal was ended. And Joab, hearing the sound of the horn, said, What is the reason of this noise as if the town was worked up?

1-Kings 1:50

And Adonijah himself was full of fear because of Solomon; and he got up and went to the altar, and put his hands on its horns.

1-Kings 1:51

And they gave Solomon word of it, saying, See, Adonijah goes in such fear of King Solomon, that he has put his hands on the horns of the altar, saying, Let King Solomon first give me his oath that he will not put his servant to death with the sword.

1-Kings 2:28

And news of this came to Joab; for Joab had been one of Adonijah's supporters, though he had not been on Absalom's side. Then Joab went in flight to the tent of the Lord, and put his hands on the horns of the altar.

1-Kings 22:11

And Zedekiah, the son of Chenaanah, made himself horns of iron and said, The Lord says, Pushing back the Aramaeans with these, you will put an end to them completely.

2-Kings 9:13

Then straight away everyone took his robe and put it under him on the top of the steps, and, sounding the horn, they said, Jehu is king.

2-Kings 11:14

And looking, she saw the king in his regular place by the pillar, and the captains and the horns near him; and all the people of the land giving signs of joy and sounding the horns. Then Athaliah, violently parting her robes, gave a cry, saying, broken faith, broken faith!

2-Kings 14:9

And Jehoash, king of Israel, sent to Amaziah, king of Judah, saying, The thorn-tree in lebanon sent to the cedar in Lebanon, saying, Give your daughter to my son for a wife: and a beast from the woodland in Lebanon went by, crushing the thorn under his feet.

1-Chronicles 13:8

Then David and all Israel made melody before God with all their strength, with songs and corded instruments of music, and with brass instruments and horns.

1-Chronicles 15:24

And Shebaniah and Joshaphat and Nethanel and Amasai and Zechariah and Benaiah and Eliezer, the priests, made music on the horns before the ark of God; and Obed-edom and Jehiah were door-keepers for the ark.

1-Chronicles 15:28

So all Israel took up the ark of the agreement of the Lord, with loud cries and with horns and brass and corded instruments sounding loudly.

1-Chronicles 16:6

And Benaiah and Jahaziel the priests, blowing horns all the time before the ark of the agreement of God.

1-Chronicles 16:42

And Heman and Jeduthun had horns and brass instruments sounding loudly, and instruments of music for the songs of God; and the sons of Jeduthun were to be at the door.

2-Chronicles 5:12

And the Levites who made the music, all of them, Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, and their sons and brothers, robed in fair linen, were in their places with their brass and corded instruments at the east side of the altar, and with them a hundred and twenty priests blowing horns;)

2-Chronicles 5:13

And when the players on horns, and those who made melody in song, with one voice were sounding the praise and glory of the Lord; with loud voices and with wind instruments, and brass and corded instruments of music, praising the Lord and saying, He is good; his mercy is unchanging for ever: then the house was full of the cloud of the glory of the Lord,

2-Chronicles 7:6

And the priests were in their places, and the Levites with their instruments of music for the Lord's song, which David the king had made for the praise of the Lord whose mercy is unchanging for ever, when David gave praise by their hand; and the priests were sounding horns before them; and all Israel were on their feet.

2-Chronicles 13:12

And now God is with us at our head, and his priests with their loud horns sounding against you. O children of Israel, do not make war on the Lord, the God of your fathers, for it will not go well for you.

2-Chronicles 13:14

And Judah, turning their faces, saw that they were being attacked in front and at the back; and they gave a cry for help to the Lord, while the priests were sounding their horns.

2-Chronicles 15:14

And they made an oath to the Lord, with a loud voice, sounding wind-instruments and horns.

2-Chronicles 18:10

And Zedekiah, the son of Chenaanah, made himself iron horns and said, The Lord says, Pushing back the Aramaeans with these, you will put an end to them completely.

2-Chronicles 23:13

And looking, she saw the king in his place by the pillar at the doorway, and the captains and the horns by his side; and all the people of the land were giving signs of joy and sounding the horns; and the makers of melody were playing on instruments of music, taking the chief part in the song of praise. Then Athaliah, violently parting her robes, said, broken faith, broken faith!

2-Chronicles 25:18

And Joash, king of Israel, sent to Amaziah, king of Judah, saying, The thorn-tree in lebanon sent to the cedar in Lebanon, saying, Give your daughter to my son for a wife: and a beast from the woodland in Lebanon went by, crushing the thorn under his feet.

2-Chronicles 29:26

So the Levites took their places with David's instruments, and the priests with their horns.

2-Chronicles 29:27

And Hezekiah gave the word for the burned offering to be offered on the altar. And when the burned offering was started, then the song of the Lord was started, with the blowing of horns and with all the instruments of David, king of Israel.

2-Chronicles 29:28

And all the people gave worship, to the sound of songs and the blowing of horns; and this went on till the burned offering was ended.

Ezra 3:10

And when the builders put in position the base of the Temple of the Lord, the priests, dressed in their robes, took their places with horns, and the Levites, the sons of Asaph, with brass instruments, to give praise to the Lord in the way ordered by David, king of Israel.

Nehemiah 4:18

Every builder was working with his sword at his side. And by my side was a man for sounding the horn.

Nehemiah 4:20

Wherever you may be when the horn is sounded, come here to us; our God will be fighting for us.

Job 16:15

I have made haircloth the clothing of my skin, and my horn is rolled in the dust.

Job 30:7

They make noises like asses among the brushwood; they get together under the thorns.

Job 31:40

Then in place of grain let thorns come up, and in place of barley evil-smelling plants.

Job 39:24

Shaking with passion, he is biting the earth; he is not able to keep quiet at the sound of the horn;

Psalms 18:2

The Lord is my Rock, my walled town, and my saviour; my God, my Rock, in him will I put my faith; my breastplate, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

Psalms 22:21

Be my saviour from the lion's mouth; let me go free from the horns of the cruel oxen.

Psalms 47:5

God has gone up with a glad cry, the Lord with the sound of the horn.

Psalms 58:9

Before they are conscious of it, let them be cut down like thorns; let a strong wind take them away like waste growth.

Psalms 75:4

I say to the men of pride, Let your pride be gone: and to the sinners, Let not your horn be lifted up.

Psalms 75:5

Let not your horn be lifted up: let no more words of pride come from your outstretched necks.

Psalms 75:10

By him will all the horns of the sinners be cut off; but the horns of the upright will be lifted up.

Psalms 81:3

Let the horn be sounded in the time of the new moon, at the full moon, on our holy feast-day:

Psalms 89:17

For you are the glory of their strength; in your pleasure will our horn be lifted up.

Psalms 89:24

But my faith and my mercy will be with him; and in my name will his horn be lifted up.

Psalms 92:10

But my horn is lifted up like the horn of the ox: the best oil is flowing on my head.

Psalms 98:6

With wind instruments and the sound of the horn, make a glad cry before the Lord, the King.

Psalms 112:9

He has given with open hands to the poor; his righteousness is for ever; his horn will be lifted up with honour.

Psalms 118:12

They are round me like bees; but they are put out like a fire among thorns; for in the name of the Lord I will have them cut down.

Psalms 118:27

The Lord is God, and he has given us light; let the holy dance be ordered with branches, even up to the horns of the altar.

Psalms 132:17

There I will make the horn of David fertile: I have made ready a light for my king.

Psalms 148:14

He has put on high the horn of his people, for the praise of all his saints; even the children of Israel, a people which is near to him. Let the Lord be praised.

Psalms 150:3

Give him praise with the sound of the horn: give him praise with corded instruments of music.

Psalms 150:4

Give him praise with instruments of brass and in the dance: give him praise with horns and corded instruments.

Proverbs 15:19

Thorns are round the way of the hater of work; but the road of the hard worker becomes a highway.

Proverbs 22:5

Thorns and nets are in the way of the twisted: he who keeps watch over his soul will be far from them.

Proverbs 24:31

And it was all full of thorns, and covered with waste plants, and its stone wall was broken down.

Proverbs 26:9

Like a thorn which goes up into the hand of a man overcome by drink, so is a wise saying in the mouth of a foolish man.

Ecclesiastes 7:6

Like the cracking of thorns under a pot, so is the laugh of a foolish man; and this again is to no purpose.

Song of Solomon 2:2

As the lily-flower among the thorns of the waste, so is my love among the daughters.

Isaiah 5:5

And now, this is what I will do to my vine-garden: I will take away the circle of thorns round it, and it will be burned up; its wall will be broken down and the beasts of the field will go through it;

Isaiah 5:6

And I will make it waste; its branches will not be touched with the knife, or the earth worked with the spade; but blackberries and thorns will come up in it: and I will give orders to the clouds not to send rain on it.

Isaiah 7:19

And they will come, covering all the waste valleys, and the holes of the rocks, and the thorns, and all the watering-places.

Isaiah 7:23

And it will be in that day that in every place where before there were a thousand vines valued at a thousand shekels of silver, there will be nothing but blackberries and thorns.

Isaiah 7:24

Men will come there with bows and arrows, because all the land will be full of blackberries and thorns.

Isaiah 7:25

And they will send out the oxen and the sheep on all the hills which before were worked with the spade, ... fear of blackberries and thorns.

Isaiah 9:18

For evil was burning like a fire; the blackberries and thorns were burned up; the thick woods took fire, rolling up in dark clouds of smoke.

Isaiah 10:17

And the light of Israel will be for a fire, and his holy One for a flame: wasting and burning up his thorns in one day.

Isaiah 18:3

All you peoples of the world, and you who are living on the earth, when a flag is lifted up on the mountains, give attention; and when the horn is sounded, give ear.

Isaiah 27:4

My passion is over: if the thorns were fighting against me, I would make an attack on them, and they would be burned up together.

Isaiah 27:13

And it will be in that day that a great horn will be sounded; and those who were wandering in the land of Assyria, and those who had been sent away into the land of Egypt, will come; and they will give worship to the Lord in the holy mountain at Jerusalem.

Isaiah 32:13

And for the land of my people, where thorns will come up; even for all the houses of joy in the glad town.

Isaiah 33:12

And the peoples will be like the burning of chalk: as thorns cut down, which are burned in the fire.

Isaiah 34:13

And thorns will come up in her fair houses, and waste plants in her strong towers: and foxes will make their holes there, and it will be a meeting-place for ostriches.

Isaiah 55:13

In place of the thorn will come up the fir-tree, and in place of the blackberry the myrtle: and it will be to the Lord for a name, for an eternal sign which will not be cut off.

Isaiah 58:1

Make a loud cry, do not be quiet, let your voice be sounding like a horn, and make clear to my people their evil doings, and to the family of Jacob their sins.

Jeremiah 4:3

For this is what the Lord says to the men of Judah and to Jerusalem: Get your unworked land ploughed up, do not put in your seeds among thorns.

Jeremiah 4:5

Say openly in Judah, give it out in Jerusalem, and say, Let the horn be sounded in the land: crying out in a loud voice, Come together, and let us go into the walled towns.

Jeremiah 4:19

My soul, my soul! I am pained to my inmost heart; my heart is troubled in me; I am not able to be quiet, because the sound of the horn, the note of war, has come to my ears.

Jeremiah 4:21

How long will I go on seeing the flag and hearing the sound of the war-horn?

Jeremiah 6:1

Go in flight out of Jerusalem, so that you may be safe, you children of Benjamin, and let the horn be sounded in Tekoa, and the flag be lifted up on Beth-haccherem: for evil is looking out from the north, and a great destruction.

Jeremiah 6:17

And I put watchmen over you, saying, Give attention to the sound of the horn; but they said, We will not give attention.

Jeremiah 12:13

Though good grain was planted, they have got in thorns: they have given themselves pain without profit: they will be shamed on account of their produce, because of the burning wrath of the Lord.

Jeremiah 17:1

The sin of Judah is recorded with a pen of iron, and with the sharp point of a jewel it is cut on their hearts of stone, and on the horns of their altars for a sign to them:

Jeremiah 42:14

Saying, No, but we will go into the land of Egypt, where we will not see war, or be hearing the sound of the horn, or be in need of food; there we will make our living-place;

Jeremiah 48:25

The horn of Moab is cut off, and his arm is broken, says the Lord.

Jeremiah 51:27

Let a flag be lifted up in the land, let the horn be sounded among the nations, make the nations ready against her; get the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz together against her, make ready a scribe against her; let the horses come up against her like massed locusts.

Lamentations 2:3

In his burning wrath every horn of Israel has been cut off; his right hand has been turned back before the attacker: he has put a fire in Jacob, causing destruction round about.

Lamentations 2:17

The Lord has done that which was his purpose; he has put into force the orders which he gave in the days which are past; pulling down without pity, he has made your hater glad over you, lifting up the horn of those who were against you.

Ezekiel 2:6

And you, son of man, have no fear of them or of their words, even if sharp thorns are round you and you are living among scorpions: have no fear of their words and do not be overcome by their looks, for they are an uncontrolled people.

Ezekiel 27:15

The men of Rodan were your traders: a great number of sea-lands did business with you: they gave you horns of ivory and ebony as an offering.

Ezekiel 28:24

And there will no longer be a plant with sharp points wounding the children of Israel, or a thorn troubling them among any who are round about them, who put shame on them; and they will be certain that I am the Lord.

Ezekiel 29:21

In that day I will make a horn put out buds for the children of Israel, and I will let your words come freely among them, and they will be certain that I am the Lord.

Ezekiel 33:3

If, when he sees the sword coming on the land, by sounding the horn he gives the people news of their danger;

Ezekiel 33:4

Then anyone who, hearing the sound of the horn, does not take note of it, will himself be responsible for his death, if the sword comes and takes him away.

Ezekiel 33:5

On hearing the sound of the horn, he did not take note; his blood will be on him; for if he had taken note his life would have been safe.

Ezekiel 33:6

But if the watchman sees the sword coming, and does not give a note on the horn, and the people have no word of the danger, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them; he will be taken away in his sin, but I will make the watchman responsible for his blood.

Ezekiel 34:21

Because you have been pushing with side and leg, pushing the diseased with your horns till they were sent away in every direction;

Ezekiel 43:15

And the fireplace is four cubits high: and coming up from the fireplace are the horns, a cubit high.

Ezekiel 43:20

You are to take some of its blood and put it on the four horns and on the four angles of the shelf and on the edge all round: and you are to make it clean and free from sin.

Daniel 3:5

That when the sound of the horn, pipe, harp, trigon, psaltery, bagpipe, and all sorts of instruments, comes to your ears, you are to go down on your faces in worship before the image of gold which Nebuchadnezzar the king has put up:

Daniel 3:7

So at that time, all the people, when the sound of the horn, pipe, harp, trigon, psaltery, and all sorts of instruments, came to their ears, went down on their faces in worship before the image of gold which Nebuchadnezzar the king had put up.

Daniel 3:10

You, O King, have given an order that every man, when the sound of the horn, pipe, harp, trigon, psaltery, bagpipe, and all sorts of instruments, comes to his ears, is to go down on his face in worship before the image of gold:

Daniel 3:15

Now if you are ready, on hearing the sound of the horn, pipe, harp, trigon, psaltery, bagpipe, and all sorts of instruments, to go down on your faces in worship before the image which I have made, it is well: but if you will not give worship, that same hour you will be put into a burning and flaming fire; and what god is there who will be able to take you out of my hands?

Daniel 7:7

After this, in my vision of the night, I saw a fourth beast, a thing causing fear and very troubling, full of power and very strong; and it had great iron teeth: it took its food, crushing some of it to bits and stamping down the rest with its feet: it was different from all the beasts before it; and it had ten horns.

Daniel 7:8

I was watching the horns with care, and I saw another coming up among them, a little one, before which three of the first horns were pulled up by the roots: and there were eyes like a man's eyes in this horn, and a mouth saying great things.

Daniel 7:11

Then I saw--because of the voice of the great words which the horn said--I saw till the beast was put to death, and its body was given to destruction, and the beast was given to the burning of fire.

Daniel 7:20

And about the ten horns on his head and the other which came up, causing the fall of three; that horn which had eyes, and a mouth saying great things, which seemed to be greater than the other horns.

Daniel 7:21

And I saw how that horn made war on the saints and overcame them,

Daniel 7:24

And as for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings will come to power; and after them another will come up: he will be different from the first ones and will put down three kings.

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Christian Literature

Most of the teaching of Jesus are recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Complete Sayings of Jesus presents every word spoken by Jesus in one place and provides an index to assist in finding specific ocassions, places and/or events. It is a must read aid for serious Bible study.

He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, saith the Lord. These are the words of Christ; and they direct us to imitate his life and character. The Imitation of Christ is guide to following the example of Jesus Christ. Let it be our most earnest study to dwell upon the life and example of Jesus.

The Apocrypha books are 14 books that were included between the old and new testaments in the original King James Version of the bible and many others. Church leaders agreed that these books were valuable for instruction in life and manners, but did not all agree that they should be considered cannon.

The Childrens Bible provides bible lessons from the Old and New testaments. There are 216 stories written in plain english. The stories are easy to read and understand but they are not just for childern. It is a pleasure to read and enjoy these important stories.

God is Love

Let us love one another, for love comes from God and every one who loves is a child of God and knows God. He who loves not man does not know God, for God is love. God showed his love for us, for he sent his only Son into the world that through him we might have life. Love the stranger.

In Mark 12:30 Jesus said; And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this [is] the first commandment.

And the second Mark 12:31 [is] like, [namely] this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

New Testament

Old Testament

Lost Books

The Gospel of The Birth of Mary was attributed to St. Matthew and was received as genuine and authentic by early Christians. It is to be found in the works of Jerome, a Father of the Church in the 4th century and is translated from his collection.

The Book of Enoch is ascribed to the great-grandfather of Noah and is included in the cannon of some churches. It describes the fall of the angels (watchers), visions of heaven and hell and the birth of Noah. Quotes from the book of Enoch are found in the New Testament.

The First Book of Adam and Eve. Books 1 begins immediately after the expulsion from the Garden of Eden. We learn about the fall but also of the promise to save Adam and his decendents. The story depicts mans struggle against evil, the devil and sin.

The Second Book of Adam and Eve. Discusses Adam's sorrow and death. The history of the patriarchs who lived before the Flood until the birth of Noah; the children of Seth on Mount Hermon and Cain's death. It ends with the testament and translation of Enoch.

The Infancy of Jesus Christ (Infancy Gospel of Thomas) relates the life of Jesus from the ages of five to twelve. It is believed that the document was transcribed from oral traditions some time prior to the second century. The ancient writing is possibly Gnostic and many early church leaders considered it heretical.

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The World English Bible was produced to provide speakers of modern English with a version of the Bible that is easily understood. The Bible is in the public domain and available world-wide. It is an accurate modern translation of the original King James Bible, including the Apocryphal books.

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