And Achiacharus, and Nasbas his brother's son, came.
And before fifty-five days had passed, two of his sons killed him and they fled into the mountains of Ararath; and Sarchedonus his son reigned in his place; he appointed, over his father's accounts and over all his affairs, Achiacharus, my brother Anael's son.
And since Achiacharus petitioned for me, I returned to Nineveh. Now Achiacharus was cupbearer and keeper of the signet and steward and overseer of the accounts; and Sarchedonus appointed him next to him; and he was my brother's son.
And bury me decently, and your mother with me; but delay no longer at Nineveh. Remember, my son, how Aman handled Achiacharus, who brought him up; how out of light he brought him into darkness, and how he took notice of him again; yet Achiacharus was saved, but the other had his just reward, for he went down into darkness. Manasseh gave alms and escaped the snares of death which they had set for him, but Aman fell into the snare and perished.
and I did not know that there were sparrows in the wall. And, since my eyes were open, the sparrows emitted warm dung into my eyes, and a whiteness fell into my eyes. And I went to the physicians, but they did not help me. Moreover, Achiacharus had to nourish me, until I went into Elymais.
Most of the teaching of Jesus are recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Complete Sayings of Jesus presents every word spoken by Jesus in one place and provides an index to assist in finding specific ocassions, places and/or events. It is a must read aid for serious Bible study.
He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, saith the Lord. These are the words of Christ; and they direct us to imitate his life and character. The Imitation of Christ is guide to following the example of Jesus Christ. Let it be our most earnest study to dwell upon the life and example of Jesus.
The Apocrypha books are 14 books that were included between the old and new testaments in the original King James Version of the bible and many others. Church leaders agreed that these books were valuable for instruction in life and manners, but did not all agree that they should be considered cannon.
The Childrens Bible provides bible lessons from the Old and New testaments. There are 216 stories written in plain english. The stories are easy to read and understand but they are not just for childern. It is a pleasure to read and enjoy these important stories.