Diodorus Siculus

BOOK XI - The Library of History

Page 255 and almost all were forced from the Power of Foreigners, and reduced to the ancient Form of a Common-wealth, and all the public Lands divided by Lot to the Citizens.

Now Phasiclides was Governour of Athens, and the Eightieth Olympiad was celebrated, in which Tharillus the Thessalian was Victor. And at Rome were chosen Quintus Fabius, and Titus Quintius Capitolinus, Consuls. In Asia, the Persian Commanders now in Cilicia had got together a Fleet of Three hundred Sail, well man'd and furnish'd in every respect for the War, and march'd with the Land-Army through Syria and Phenicia, and came at length to Memphis, (the Fleet sailing all along by the sides of them, near the Shoar) where they forthwith rais'd the Siege at the White Wall; both the Aegyptians and Athenians being amaz'd at the Approach of such an Enemy: Hereupon the Persians presently call a Council of War, and prudently resolved to decline fighting, but rather to endeavour to make an end of the War by some politick Stratagem. And to that end knowing that the Athenian Fleet lay at Anchor at an Island call'd Prosopitis, they diverted the Course of the River (which encompassed the Island) by deep Trenches made in the adjoyning Continent, and by that means joyn'd the Island to Main-land. The Aegyptians as soon as they discern'd all the Ships, stood upon dry Land, struck with Amazement, forsook the Athenians, and submitted themselves to the Persians. The Athenians thus forsaken, and seeing the Fleet made useless, set Fire to all the Ships, that they might not come into the Power of the Enemy. And nothing terrify'd with their present Circumstances, they encourag'd and advis'd one another, that they should not do any thing that should be a blemish and disgrace to the Courage and Valour they had before shewn in former Encounters.

Soaring therefore above the Valour of those that lost their Lives at Thermopole, for the safety of Greece they resolv'd to fight. But the Commanders of the Persians, Artabazus and Megabizus seeing the Courage of the Athenians, and considering their former Losses of so many thousand Men, they made Peace with the Athenians upon this Condition, That they should depart out of Aegypt without Hurt or Prejudice. The Athenians thus preserv'd (thro' their own Valour) leave Aegypt, and marching thro' Africk to Cyrene, from thence they all came safe (beyond their hopes) unto their own Country. During these things, Ephialtes Son of Simonidas, Tribune of the People at Athens, stir'd up the Rabble against the Areopagites to take away the Power from the Senate in Mars Hill, and to overturn the ancient and laudable Laws of the Country. But such wicked Designs went not unpunish'd, for he was kill'd in the Night, not known by whom, and so ended his days in Dishonour.


The War between the Epidaurians and the Athenians.

THE former Year ended, Philocles governed Athens the next, and at Rome, Aulus Posthumius were Consuls: In their times was begun the War by the Corinthians and Epidaurians against the Athenians, who in a sharp Battel, overcame the other, and with a great Fleet made out against the Halienses, and invaded Peloponesus, where they slaughter'd and destroy'd many of their Enemies. The Peloponesians make Head again, and with a great Army sight them at Cerryphalia, where the Athenians again rout them. Grown now consident with these Successes, and observing the Aegineans (puffed up with the Victories that they had obtain'd) to carry it as Enemies towards them, they determin'd to make War upon them; and in Execution thereof, sent forth against them a great Fleet: They of Aegina on the other hand, trusting to their Skill and former Successes at Sea, despised the great Forces of the Athenians, and with a small Navy, and some few other Ships lately built, venture a Sea-Fight,

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