Diodorus Siculus

BOOK XIII - The Library of History

Page 331


Thrasybulus assaults Ephesus. The Lacedemonians besiege Pylus; surrender Chalcedon, besieg'd by Theramenes; and afterward Byzantium, which was betray'd to Alcibiades.

IN Greece, Thrasybulus sent from Athens with a Fleet of Thirty Sail well man'd, and with a great Army of Foot, and an Hundred Horse, sail'd to Ephesus; where landing his Men in two places, he assaulted the City; but the Townsmen making a brisk Sally, there began a sharp Engagement; in which four hundred of the Athenians were kill'd, for the whole Strength of the City fell upon them, the rest getting to their Ships. Thrasybulus loos'd from thence to Lesbos. But the Athenian Generals, who lay at Cyzicum, pass'd over to Chalcedon, and built a Fort call'd Chrysopolis, putting into it a sufficient Garrison; and commanded the Governors to exact the Tenth part of all Shipping, that pass'd that way from Pontus. Afterwards the Forces were divided, and Theramenes was left with fifty Sail to besiege Chalcedon and Byzantium. But Thrasybulus was sent into Thrace, and brought the Cities of that Country, under the Power of the Athenians. Alcibiades having sent away Thrasybulus with thirty Sail with the rest of the Fleet, arriv'd at the Province of Pharnabasus. There they wasted and spoil'd all that large Tract, and fill'd the Souldiers with Plunder, and the Generals themselves got together a great sum of Mony, by the Sale of the Spoils, with a Design to case the People of the burden of their Contributions.

The Lacedemonians understanding that the Athenian Forces were still about the Hellespont, sent Forces against Pylus, where the Messenians were in Garrison. At Sea indeed they had Eleven Ships, of which Five were of Sicily, man'd with Spartans; but their Land Army was but small. With these they besieg'd the Fort, both by Land and Sea. But when Intelligence was brought of this, the Athenians sent out Thirty Sail, under the Command of Anytus, the Son of Anthemion, to the Relief of the Besieg'd. In his Passing thither, a great Storm arose, so that not being able to recover Malea, he return'd to Athens. Upon which the People of Athens were so incens'd, that they condemn'd him to die as a Traitor: Anytus brought into this imminent Danger, redeem'd his Life with a Sum of Money; who is reported to be the First Athenian that ever revers'd a Sentence for Money. In the mean time, the Besieg'd Messenians in Pylus, stood it out against all Assaults for a time, in hopes of Relief from Athens: But being press'd by fresh and renew'd Succors from the Assailants, by the Loss of Men on the one hand, and through want of Provision on the other, they were forc'd to surrender upon Terms. Thus Pylus was reduc'd, and brought into the Hands of the Lacedemonians; the Athenians having had Possession of it Fifteen Years, from the time it was fortify'd by Demosthenes.

During these Affairs, the Megareans took Nisea, then belonging to the Athenians. Upon which the Athenians sent against them Leotrophides and Timarchus, with a Thousand Foot, and four Hundred Horse. Against whom all the Megareans, with the Assistance of some from Sicily, marched out, and drew up in Battalia, upon the Hills call'd the Horns. There the Athenians fought with that Valour, that they put the Enemy to Flight, tho' far more in number than themselves. In this Battle, great Slaughter was made amongst the Megareans; but there were only Twenty kill'd of the Lacedemonians: For the Athenians, taking the Loss of Nicea very grievously, wav'd the Lacedemonians, and bent all the Heat of their Pursuit after the Megareans, and in a great Rage cut down multitudes of them. About this time, the Lacedemonians made Cratesipidas Admiral, and man'd five and twenty Sail, with Supplies sent from their Confederates, and Commanded him to succour their Allies; who spent a long time about Ionia, doing nothing Considerable. Afterwards, being furnish'd with Mony, by the Exiles of Chius, he both restor'd them, and took the Citadel of the Chians.

When the Exiles were eturn'd, they expell'd those that Banish'd them, to the Number of six Hundred, who possess'd Themselves of a place call'd Atarneus,

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