Diodorus Siculus

BOOK XIII - The Library of History

Page 333


Theremenes and Alcibiades return to Athens; are admir'd by the People. Lysander made General by the Lacedemonians. Antiochus, one of the Athenian Generals, beaten at Ephesus, in a Sea-Fight. Agis surprizes part of the Walls of Athens; but was beaten off. Alcibiades accus'd for Assaulting Cuma, a Confederate City. Conon made Admiral in his place.

AFTER the End of the Year, Euctemones was made Archon of Athens, and the Romans constituted Marcus Papyrius, and Spurius Nautius Consuls. Then was celebrated the Ninety-third Olympiad, in which Eubatus of Cyrene got the Victory. At this time the Athenian Generals (now possess'd of Byzantium) gain'd all the Cities of the Hellespont, except Abydus. Then they left Diodorus and Mantitheus, with sufficient Forces, Governours in the Hellespont; and they themselves (after they had perform'd many Famous Exploits, for the Honour and Safety of their Country) return'd with the Fleet, loaden with Spoils to Athens. When they drew near, all the People throng'd out with great Joy to meet them, and a great number of Strangers, both Women and Children ran together into the Pyreum; the Arrival of the Generals filling all Persons with Admiration. For they brought along with them no less than two hundred Ships, which they had taken, and a multitude of Prisoners, with much Spoil; and their own Ships were gloriously adorn'd with Arms, Rich Spoils, and Golden Crowns, and such like. Every Body throng'd one upon another to see Alcibiades, so as the City was even left without an Inhabitant, whilst both Bond and Free long'd to have a View of Him. For he was so highly Admir'd at that time, that none of the former Athenians were judg'd comparable to this Man, who so openly and confidently had stood it out against the People. They who were Poor, and under Mulcts and Fines, now hop'd they had an Excellent Advocate, who by raising Tumults and Disturbances in the City, could free them from their Penuries and pressing Necessities. He was a Man daring above all others, and an Excellent Speaker: In times of War a Brave Souldier, and as Skilful a Commander; ready in undertaking any Desperate Enterprize, of a very Comly and Bautiful Countenance, of a Noble Spirit, and Aspiring Mind. All were so fill'd with Expectation from him, that they concluded his Return, and the Prosperity of the City, were coupl'd together. For, as the Lacedemoniuns were Successful and Victorious whilst he Assisted them, so they hop'd that by his Return, their Affairs would change to the Better.

As soon as the Fleet entred into the Harbour, all Eyes were fix'd upon Alcibiades's Ship; and upon his Landing, they receiv'd him with great Acclamations, and Congratulated his Return and Victories. After he had with all Courteous Behaviour Saluted the People, he call'd an Assembly, where having made a long Defeence for the Clearing of his Innocency, he so insinuated himself into the Good-will of the People, that all cast the Blame of the Dooms and Judgments against him upon the City it self: And therefore they restor'd all his Estate, not long before Consiscated, and threw the Records of his Condemnation into the Sea; and Revers'd all other things that were Decreed against him: And a Decree was made, That the Eumolpides should take away, and absolve him from that Curse they had pronounc'd against him, when he was suppos'd to have been guilty of Prophaning the Sacred Mysteries. At last they made him General, and gave him full Power, both by Sea and Land; and committed all their Forces to his Command; upon which he Constituted. other Generals, as he thought fit: That is to say, Adimantus and Thrasybulus; and He Himself, with an Hundred Sail, pass'd over to Andros, and there possess'd Himself of the Fort Gaurium, and took it in with a Wall. But the Andrians, with the whole Strenth of the City, and the Succours, sent to them from Peloponesus, sally'd out against them, whereupon a sharp Engagement follow'd, in which the Athenians were Conquerors; a great part of them that came out of the Town, being cum off. Of those that escap'd, some were scatter'd abroad in the Fields, others got within the Walls. After he had several times attempted to take the City by Assault, and saw he could not he prevail, left a sufficient Garrison in the Fort (by him

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